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Valli Posts: 25,238 Forumite
12 January at 10:13PM edited Today at 6:17AM in Old style MoneySaving
What is FLYLADY? Well, it's our version of the US flylady idea - but we work on the principle that housework is not fun, it's boring, can be time-consuming, is often thankless but, unfortunately, necessary. It's here on Old Style to provide the support we all need and to make the whole task easier and quicker. We also accept that, sometimes, life just gets on top of us and we can't keep up, maybe because we're time-poor, not in the best of health and/or we have littlies who need us. We are definitely NOT control freaks aiming for perfection and utterly spotless show-homes.
Welcome to the weekly Flylady Thread. You're more than welcome to join us in the everlasting battle against dust, grime and gibble. The aim of our thread is to make those onerous tasks less daunting, and to support each other - and to make time for the finer things in life!
Please do remember we have to abide by MSE rules; each post should, ideally, include some mention of flying.
Thank you Natty forlast week's thread.
Please follow the forum rules on this thread as Flylady has been here a LONG time and is a fabulous support and resource for lots of us. All posts should have some Flylady-related (ooh a compound adjective) content!
The idea is that even if you are really busy you don't need to fall off the wagon!
Every room comes back around next week so please don’t stress about catching up
These lists are only suggestions and not a must do list; you are more than welcome to post and follow your own lists.
Also adding a declutter mission each day will help to gradually clear the clutter and make flying easier.
A few of the basics before we start the week
Hotspots are areas where if one thing gets put there, loads of other things follow!
Daily routines are anything you need to do on a daily basis like washing, swish and swipe kitchen and bathroom, ironing, making beds, vacuuming high traffic areas, making meals etc.
Night-time routines are all things which make getting ready in the morning easier, preparing clothes for the next day, making lunches, swish & swipes of the kitchen and tidying the living room before you go to bed plus personals like shower/brush teeth etc.
Fling Boogie - stick on some loud music, grab a bin bag and whiz around the house finding items that can go out with the rubbish, recycling, for charity shop, basically anything that will stop it cluttering your home.
Swish and swipe/S&S means have a quick wipe over an area such as a sink or toilet to prevent the build up of dirt. This is usually done on a daily basis
HHE/HHC/HHI Half Hour exercise/challenge/ironing ... run around for 30 minutes to the Benny Hill music frantically cleaning exercising or ironing.. .other music may be used if you prefer!
WM ~ Washing machine
TD ~ Tumble dryer
SC ~ Slowcooker
BM ~ Breadmaker
DW ~ Dishwasher
SOAADFA ~ Sit on 'bottom' and do 'nothing'
KH/XH/FW ~ Ex-husband and other not so polite versions
DH/DD/DS/DW/DP ~ Dear husband/daughter/son/wife/partner/whatever
OH/SO ~ Other half/significant other
NN ~ nice neighbour
Toxic (friend/mother/sister/whoever) ~ person in your life that seems to exist to make your life miserable
AF ~ Aunt Flo 'time of the month'.. nothing to do with flying but it comes up often.
ETA ~ Edited to add
Gibble ~ miscellaneous crap that appears forever homeless
Dot-to-dot ~ pick a small area (not a whole room) like a chair/coffee/table/shelf/worktop or wherever- that’s your first 'dot' - totally clear it - clean it - and only put back what should be there - deal with what you have removed (not just move it somewhere else) then if you have time move on and do the same to another 'dot' -the idea is just like a dot to dot puzzle, you aim to join up all the dots and have a tidy room. The trick is to keep each dot tidy until you get them all joined up! All credit to AnW's Mum for this one
RoD ~ Room of Doom, the one room that feels like it is a permanent pit and cannot be used to its potential!
MAD half hour
- Mad is the abbreviation for Make A Difference.
The idea is that you have a Forth bridge (ie never-ending - or just huge) task but that you work on it in half-hour bursts. This way you know you ARE stooping, and that you won't get it finished but you will make a difference - so it might be clearing out - the garage or shed, or clothes sorting, or weeding - you get the picture - but rather than keep going until you've lost the will to live you do half an hour...but, eventually those half hours will get the job done!
Mr S/A/T/M/L/Al - supermarkets Sainsburys, Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Lidl, Aldi. You get the picture!!
Clickhereto read Toots wonderful welcome guide
ok Here goes this Week...
Marvellous Monday - Kitchen and Dining Room
Level 1
Open some windows for some fresh air
Wash up, dry up and put away (or remove all pots to DW)
Clear sides and wipe down - wipe small appliances and caddies etc. Don't forget the splashbacks or tiles!
Replace what lives there, wiping as you go
Empty bin and clean it out too - put it outside to dry in the sunshine, if you can.
Clear and clean sink and accessories - don't forget those out-of-sight places - under plugs and under draining racks - and shine those taps - or clean them!
Clean/polish table - wipe mats/change cloth
Check fruit and wash bowl
Throw away your manky dish cloth or sponge and replace with a new one! Put out a new hand towel and a new tea towel too
Good slug of bleach down plugholes and in overflows
Clean cruet, salt and pepper, wipe any sauce bottles that are used on the table
Level 2
Wipe down all cupboard and drawer fronts inside and out, not forgetting handles and tops and bottom as well as fronts!
Clean hob and splashback
Clean microwave
Sort fridge and wipe seals; weave stuff that needs using up into your meal plan (see extras); update shopping list as appropriate
Wash and wipe fridge shelves and baskets.
Dust dining area/room
Descale kettle if needed
Clean WM, TD and DW filters; remove WM detergent drawer and wash it out.
Give the washer door seal a good wipe and check it's mould-free; dirty machines mean dirty clothes
Level 3
Sweep/mop/vacuum floor
Clean chairs (and highchairs) - don't forget under the seats where sticky fingers linger.
Clean windows in both rooms.
If you have time pick a cupboard or drawer that hasn't been cleaned for a while, empty it out, clean it and put back what should be in there, tidily.
S&S bathroom
Meal plan for the week - and plan to cook a double sized meal and freeze one for a CBA/busy day - fish pie, cottage pie or a nice wintry, warming casserole or stew...something complete! If you're putting the oven on can you fill it? See Nancy Birtwhistle's you tube channel for inspiration.
Do you need to update your freezer inventory?
Make sure you've put car insurance/MOT dates in your diary - and a reminder about a month before to actually book it in (MOT) and get quotes (insurance).
Tuesday - The Lounge, Hallway, stairs and landing
Level 1
Deal with cut flowers and pot plants - top up water/wipe leaves/remove drooping or dead blooms.
Empty bins/ashtrays
Open windows in lots of rooms and let fresh dry air in - even if it's just for 10 minutes.
Clear gibble
Plump and straighten cushions
Wipe sofas with leather wipes or vacuum - look for all those dust-catching crevices. Lift seat cushions if you can and vacuum underneath
Wipe/dust coffee tables and leave tidy
Wipe sticky coasters
Clean out fire/wood burner if relevant. Do you need to book a sweep for the summer? Why not do it now?
Level 2
Clean windows and mirrors
Wipe sills and window frames
Vacuum floors - and use an edging tool to get into all the nooks and crannies - and stairs!
Clean doormats
Dust/wipe electricals - use a just-damp cloth. Don't forget the remote controls!
Level 3
Dust all round - skirting boards, tops of curtain rails and/or battens and top and frame of door.
Wipe door handles, banisters, light switches and sockets - and the bits of the door where people hold to close it.
Check for cobwebs and eliminate - especially if you had a real tree!
Clean lightshades and lampshades; check all lighting is functioning as it should
Wipe lightbulbs (if cold)
Dust pictures/paintings on walls - and dust behind them too!
Stand in the doorway and look back into the room - is it clean?
S&S kitchen
S&S bathroom
Make an appointment or arrangement for some me-time and/or spoil yourself and use some lotions and potions assuming Santa was kind!
Check smoke alarms are fully functional
Wet Wednesday- Bathroom (s)
Level 1
The washbasin
open window
remove all gubbins around it
scrub out
ckean and polish taps
clean plug, chain etc
wipe mirrors
clean pedestal/cupboard
level 2
The loo
scrub inside and out
wipe cistern
wipe loo roll holder
dust sill and clean window
level 3
clean Bath/shower
wash curtain or wipe and shine screen
clean taps or showerhead
clean and clear drain
wipe towel rail
replace towels
clean floor
extras HHI
Bin bag dance
Thursday’s Lovely List Kids room/spare room/guest room
Level 1
Open window
strip bed
clear detritus from floor
occupant of room to assist if available
Empty bin
level 2
anything that needs to be homed -put away occupants of room to help
vacuum floor
If spare/guest room check all lighting fully functional
level 3
clean window
wipe sockets and switches
dust all around
S&S bathroom
S&S kitchen
spend 5 minutes slathering on some body lotion/foot cream/hand cream after your bath or shower…summer’s on the way and that skin (well some of it) will be on show
Don't put it DOWN; put it AWAY
"I would like more sisters, that the taking out of one, might not leave such stillness" Emily Dickinson
Janice 1964-2016
Thank you Honey Bear
roundtuit Posts: 4,536 Forumite
13 January at 7:50AM
Good morning my lovelies xx
Big smiles here as my Monday morning weigh in revealed that I've lost three lbs this week. 😊. That's most of the festive gain gone. Fist pump. 👊
I'm up, made my bed, completed Wordle in six!, completed Strands with no hints, and Connections with no lives lost. I've turned over the calendars and taken my meds, updated the calendar with a few social arrangements made yesterday, and I'm supping my first brew.
I'm meeting L for brunch at the posh farm shop cafe at 9.45 am.
To Do Today List
Moisturise legs 😉
Get dressed
Feed the birds
Put out the recycling
Laundry shuffle
Hoover H/S/L🐸 1
Open box containing bird table
Check what tools are needed for assembly🐸 2
Measure front door
Order curtain rod
Order door curtain🐸 3
Take down shower curtain
Put up new shower curtainOoo. Thank youValli.
Put MOT Due date on calendar
Put Car Tax date on calendar
(Car insurance is already on)There. That'll keep me quiet for a while. Have a good day. Still 🥶 here.
Go steady.
Rosemary Ikpeme
sexymouse Posts: 6,126 Forumite
13 January at 8:24AM
Morning all,
No work again today.
On the plus side, it gives me more time to fly.
Failed wordle today (got the middle 3 letters but couldn't work out the other two). Strands with one hint, connections passed.
First job on the list once I'm back from the school run is to prep my breakfast as I had no time or energy to do it last night (chia pudding, so needs time to thicken etc). Then I have a basket of washing to put away too.
Better go, or else we'll be late.
Hugs to all who want or need them. x
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
I married Moon 8/4/2011, baby boy born 26/9/2012, Angel Baby Poppy born 8/11/15, Rainbow baby boy born 11/2/2017
Fayolle Posts: 3,024 Forumite
13 January at 9:50AM
Thank you for the lists, ladies x and thank you Valli for the Extras reminders - DH has been reminded to book in DD’s car service and MOT. Given that I will pay for it, it only seems fair that he books it in!
I am unlikely to fly an awful lot today as DSis and DBiL are coming for lunch. The added advantage is that they are taking a small box and a black bin bag of loft goodies. I am also going to see if there is anything else they fancy - like having an impromptu jumble sale 🤣 - but not holding out much hope. Still, it might plant a seed…
AmAzing result, Round 👏. The job that I forgot to do this morning was my weigh in. Still, at least now I know that I will be at least 3lb up, thanks to your usual southerly-direction flingage generosity 🙃.
Good progress, Narc0, even though it must be hard. You are doing brilliantly x
Wm is swishing the towels, yoga done, I need to make a soup for lunch and push DH in the direction of the village shop to pick up the ordered bread.Have a lovely day all x
sexymouse Posts: 6,126 Forumite
13 January at 10:01AM edited 13 January at 10:01AM
Congratulations Round on your weight loss - apologies for not putting that earlier.
Well my agency have just phoned and asked me to work this afternoon, so that's good. Still haven't eaten breakfast yet, so may have to change what I'm having now.
Think I may need to have brunch at this rate as I'll need to leave at 12ish.
Need to put away washing still as chatted to a neighbour after school run. It's bin day today, so bin was emptied this morning. Will empty the draining rack etc and wipe down the sides.
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
I married Moon 8/4/2011, baby boy born 26/9/2012, Angel Baby Poppy born 8/11/15, Rainbow baby boy born 11/2/2017
twinklie Posts: 5,126 Forumite
13 January at 10:41AM
Ok, so this is what I’m committing to trying to get done today. Doubt I’ll do it all, but let’s see where I get too.
Marvellous Monday - Kitchen and Dining Room
Level 1
1. Open some windows for some fresh air ✅
2. Wash up, dry up and put away (or remove all pots to DW)
3. Clear sides and wipe down - wipe small appliances and caddies etc. Don't forget the splashbacks or tiles!
4. Replace what lives there, wiping as you go
5. Empty bin and clean it out too - put it outside to dry in the sunshine, if you can.
6. Clear and clean sink and accessories - don't forget those out-of-sight places - under plugs and under draining racks - and shine those taps - or clean them!
7. Clean/polish table - wipe mats/change cloth
8. Check fruit and wash bowl
9. Throw away your manky dish cloth or sponge and replace with a new one! Put out a new hand towel and a new tea towel too
10. Good slug of bleach down plugholes and in overflowsLevel 2
1. Wipe down all cupboard and drawer fronts inside and out, not forgetting handles and tops and bottom as well as fronts!
2. Clean hob and splashback
3. Clean microwave
4. Clean WM, TD and DW filters; remove WM detergent drawer and wash it out.
5. Give the washer door seal a good wipe and check it's mould-free; dirty machines mean dirty clothesLevel 3
Clean chairs (and highchairs) - don't forget under the seats where sticky fingers linger.
Reduction in daily mortgage interest since October 23 (new mortgage) - £1.42 Dec24
% of house owned/% of mortgage paid off. Dec 24 - 3.85%/28.34%
MFiT-T6 #5
MFW 2025 #2
MF Date: Oct 37 April 379
eltee2 Posts: 101 Forumite
13 January at 11:01AM
Morning All
My plan to plough through the leaning tower of laundry has gone t!t$ up - our WM & TD live in the garage (we've a stupidly small kitchen) and a water pipe has burst 😤
Am undecided whether to continue flying while waiting for it to be fixed, or take a big bagful to the launderette and mutter about how many times have I said we need more lagging on those pipes.....
Mutter, mutter
"I started out with nothing
And still got most of it left"
Seasick SteveOld Style Weight Loss Challenge 1st Quarter 2025 - lost 3/7
kazwookie Posts: 14,080 Forumite
13 January at 11:08AM
Thank you for the lists.
Bin operatives clattering aorund at 6.15am, they don't start work till 6.30am at their depot, so they must be on overtime or similar, so big bin back in.
WM x 2 done
Whole house hoovered
Cats /deer / birds fed
3 more fruit trees arrive today.
Chimney sweep arrives at 1pm.
Small shop done and away
DW is on
Floors mopped
The sun is out, it seems tro have melted the ice that was hanging around on the patio, paths
Breast Cancer Now 100 miles October 2022 100 / 100miles
D- Day 80km June 2024 80/80km (10.06.24 all done)
Diabetic UK 1 million steps July 2024 to complete by end Sept 2024. 1,001,066/ 1,000,000 (20.09.24 all done)Sun, Sea
MinnieMousesMummy Posts: 1,511 Forumite
13 January at 11:27AM edited 13 January at 9:24PM
Morning everyone,
My list for today
Do paid stuff
Attend uni lecture
Finish uni prep for tomorrow
Take the dog for a long walk
Sort travel arrangements for the end of this month
Wash up, dry up and put away dishes
Empty bin and clean it out too
Clean hob and splashback
Clean microwave
Make sure you've put car insurance/MOT dates in your diary - and a reminder about a month before to actually book it in (MOT) and get quotes (insurance).I think that is everything that I need to get done today. I hope everyone has a good Monday
eltee2 Posts: 101 Forumite
13 January at 12:13PM edited 14 January at 12:40AM
Me again, I've decided to stay in and continue flying today. Launderette tomorrow if still needed. Am annoyed about it because I wanted to use my newly acquired potions as per Nancy's book 😟
Todays plan
✔️Open windows
✔️Air & remake beds
😟WM x2😟 ETA Did 3 in the end✔️
✔️DW x1 & WUDUPA excess
✔️General tidy as I go
✔️S&S bathroomKitchen
✔️Clean DW door, seals, filter etc.
✔️Clear/wipe worktops
✔️Clear & clean sink, taps & draining board
❌️Jollops down the plughole
✔️Descale & wipe over kettle
✔️Empty toaster crumb tray & wipe over
✔️Clean hob, splashback & extractor hood
✔️Wipe over door/drawer fronts
❌️Fridge shuffle & clean
✔️Sweep floor
✔️Empty bin, clean & leave outside to dry
❌️Freezer inventory - thanks for the reminder @Valli
Well done on the 3lbs @Round - great start to the year"I started out with nothing
And still got most of it left"
Seasick SteveOld Style Weight Loss Challenge 1st Quarter 2025 - lost 3/7
roundtuit Posts: 4,536 Forumite
13 January at 2:18PM edited 13 January at 2:20PM
roundtuit said:
I'm meeting L for brunch at the posh farm shop cafe at 9.45 am. ❌it was closed for annual maintenance. Which we didn't realise until we got there. Mutter. Mutter. Back to my house via a quick detour to Mr C00p: voilà! tea and toasted tea cakes chez Round.
To Do Today List
Shower ✅
Moisturise legs 😉 ✅
Get dressed ✅
Feed the birds ✅
Put out the recycling ✅
Laundry shuffle ✅
Hoover H/S/L🐸 1
Open box containing bird table ✅
Check what tools are needed for assembly ✅🐸 2
Measure front door ✅
Order curtain rod
Order door curtain🐸 3
Take down shower curtain ✅
Put up new shower curtainOoo. Thank youValli.
Put MOT Due date on calendar
Put Car Tax date on calendarI've also washed my hair, washed the grill pan, and recycled an empty aerosol can which was in the box* on top of the box containing the bird table.
*Said box will be tackled à la Round's ottoman style. One item a day until it's empty.
Packaging for new shower curtain has been binned / recycled as appropriate. Old shower curtain has been binned.
Can't believe that I've started to swallow three 🐸s. Four if you count finally starting to empty the *box ....which I will.
Thinking of youiona - one spoonful at a time 😉
ETA: thank you for the congrats on my weight loss. 😊 Slightly less Round is me 🥳
Rosemary Ikpeme
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