The Dallas Daily Herald (2025)

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The Dallas Daily Herald (1) Next item

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Just at this time when liousekceDcra sre
lu.ily examining every nook and comer of
llii'tr names mey aru mi-iy iu mscover uawe
in the furniture highly suggestive of ihe nee ee
rily fur new. Kspeclally la this the cue iu
Carpets. knowing tlila are
Offering some Speaialties
Thus making It to your interest to puichase
we Quote:
Tsttfitry Brussels at (Be. . . worth S'o.
Tsiwalry Brussels atluu. . . worth use.
Taiwatry worth II 10
Tspt'ilry Brussels at Mc - worth 1 'JO
The above are all now anil desirable patterns
ami have Bold readily at the higher prices.
Body Brussela at 11.21 II Si aud M.7 were
fl S" II to and H 00. and were cheap at that.
Hiv)ueto Careti) at I1..16 that we bare sold
at $1.75.
Hoqiictte Carpets at tl.M that are fully
worth ttW
Muquctte Carpets at 11.75 and C0 that are
wurth fully J6 per cent. more.
Ladies wiahlng to benefit by these
Special Offerings
Lace Curtains and lambrequin?.
A full line of new style Lace Curtains becinninir at Si. 2?
per pair and ranging in prices to
window bnaues in every style.
Our new series of Lambrequin Designs are now out and
.. 1 1 C. C . S a.
' icy aniens .en irom mis uate
new patterns.
"01 l-.lm Street ono linor from tlio Cm-nrr (if l'uyriras Street. Mnlie mi
It Is Not a Corner!
The finest and most extensive of its kind devoted solely
to the sale of Men's and Hoys' Clothing in Dallas.
Our reputation for handling only first-class and strictly
reliable goods is doubtless well known to a majority of those
who will visit Dallas during the coming week and anticipating
a large demand for clothing we have made ample preparations
in the way of an enormous stock embracing all grades in prices
and fabrics and have added largely to our force of salesmen
so that all may receive careful attention.
Every garment purchased at our house is guaranteed to
be of the latest style and just as represented in every respect
In all cases when any dissatisfaction the purchase money i
cheerfully returned.
No more half-made imperfect-fitting garments at high
prices; but perfect-fitting well-made stylish Clothing at
prices that compare with those of
Eastern & Northern Cities!
TtSrl''or Style Price and Variety we defy any
001 F.t M STKr.JVr O.W.MS. TV.K
should call at once
tleidlllv liw rtrln..a
Velvet Carpeli at wou
All wool il-ply carpets at II. 10 and II JS
These goods canuut lie bought elsewhere fur
.Wets a yard more .
K itra supers at We . formerly mid at too.
extra Supers at 7Sc formerly aohl uttl.
Extra choice atylca attyo. and II. W
Two-ply Ingrains at ile. sou. 8Sc. 40c 50c.
Mo all of which will be found lr below
regular prices.
Yon mint come and ace them If you would be
couvluced that SANU Kits' la the
Cheapest House
... wen a lor an oilier goods.
We carry the Urgent atock ahow llio fluest u-
-u.uuvuk ai tt juu 1UWUBI JTlCeS.
Rugs and Mats!
Immltatlon Rmyraa Mats at 5) centi: were II 00
RealNmyrua Mats at II (X); were I '.00.
klal Mmvrna Mala at ai u-a. i
Special prices In Kioy'nia Kuga ' Tapeatrr
Ullna till Una Ua.1 a D ... 1 i . .
Full line of Oil Clothi Liuulcuw and that
Lignum I
$15 per pair. Full line of
iHrYPTIIin DaIoci
can be cut upon any of the
Ti P.m.W O.nhi.r
Tke Pfaia Bl-CentennUl Olebri
tlon at (hester l'euiLsjrlftila
(irtt Succf-l.e jtrv
durtluu of the Scene
Of the Undine of Ihe 4rnd Old Quaker
anne tool or me Mreet .luw
.earing Hi Name.
Appropriate aud Kloqueut
ure lMlvered by the (joveruor
and Others.
Klujr Milan Made the Tarfet of an Irate
i'rtnule Manila Visited by a
A Jealous Husband Murders Ills Wife
at UreaVfast.
A IiltrWalklnar Makh la ProtlrWi In
w York.
(ladstonc aud Ills 1'luus-AfIulrn
Other l'orfl;u and Domestic' New.
.MUrellaneoua Foreign Nw.
Lomuom October SI. The German bark
Maria Sophia from Hamburg for Wilming-
ton North Carolina lias taken refuge it
Plymouth leaky v
wai. WOT THg MILI.
The Mnncbcater Utiardian's London cor-
reatioiiilent aaya lie believes the (rovers-
meiit has conclulel a convention with the
aueuive provtiiiUK nir niamarKet the cost:
of the - llritisli
occupation by
A dmputch tothe Daily News Irom Her-
lin saya: The repeal of the socialist laws
is expected shortly. Kven the North Ger-
man Uaiette favors their repeal on condi-
tion that socialist!) will nhstrain from inter-
ference in the higher gratle 0f politics.
Pica 10 rr.
The Britiah bark Biadacona Captain
Stockcr. winch has arrived at t:arditr from
l'enat'ola bus brouglit the mate and three
of the crew of the schooner William B. far-
well who were nicked up after being lit an
open boat In the Atlantic two days ami
three nights. The William S. Karwall waa
from Cedar Keys for New York ; bad been
ashore on TortuRaa during the cyclone ami
got off iu a damaKcd condition. The men
attempts.! to go ashore iu the boat but
were driven out to sea.
wn.t ixgurgg.
The Daily News understands that Mr.
(iladatone on the reassembling of parlia-
ment will move that a select committee be
appointed to inquire Into the cirenmatauces
under which Mr. K. Dyerlirey was impria-
outd. r
The following dlapatches havo been re-
ceived by lieuter's TeleKram company : pk October 21.-A woman fired
twice at king MUan in the calboUral to-
day. lho king waa not hurt. -'The
asaHUllant 1. thM avl.lnaa a O
Jaeflrey Markowllch who- ivsir' anrectt4
wan aevcriii oilier rioters in Mar. ihts. hv
order of Kfng Milam. It is susiecfed that
the attempt is not merely attributable to
revenge dih partly 10 political motives.
Alter the attempt Queen Natalie who
waa wiiu me aing in the cathedial. tainted
mm nn carneu in an unconscious condi-0
tion to the palace. Tho king accompanied
her there mid then returned to the church"!
iiiiiiuenueu aim remained until the end of
mi- service. inecruwuiiitempiM to lynch
Flllg IN ST. 1-ETKIlSllL'Rli.
St. 1'ETKitmii Kii. October 1. A llmhrnia
out this iiiornlug in the Inre yards by tho
river Nova aud is still nutiug.
lln nKKKT October 'Si. The object nl
the recent prolonged sojourn of the king of
Keryialn Itonianiawns to defeat a conspir-
acy ntrainat his life. Whilo journeying from
ltimichiick he received information at !Sv-
tokaof a pint fonneil In blow up with tin-
pedm's the royal boat while on t lie Dauulie
between llii-lchuck and HelKrade. '
Pvnamitk kiknus.
T.yons f)ctober IS. There wm rintnua
deiuoiiMration npainst the municipality
here yesterday in conseiiieiic of their
having suppressed subvention t the oner
lhu police wero unable to cone with tne
crowd. A body ol gendarmes cleared the
streets. At 12 o'clock ibis mornlnir tlmro
was jn alarming exnlosioii In a niniiian
minciieii mi a iiicnier. i wn
henrd under one of the tulili-s. 'I hero
fillrirta .vp.
LHaj people in ti e restaurant who 111 V. I IX I
hurriedly into the street. A third and
more formidable explosion then occurred
which shattered the tables mlrrora .i
other articles and seriously Injured three
persons. It is stated that three men who
entered the restaurant ten minutes before
the first explosion Icltasuiull bomb under
the tables.
Makkiii. October L'l. At a miuUi .i
Allousist democrats Senor Iriiu..r..i
announced that Marshal Serrano would
shortly c mvene a meeting of bis partisans
nun cuiiiiiiiiuiinie o ineiu uis programme
Caiko October Zi. The mode of proceed-
ure agreed upon for the trial of Arab!
Pasha allows the calling of wllueasra (mm
foreign couutrles or ths taking of their evi-
dence by a commission. Counsel for pris-
oner will have the right of final reply.
Telegraphic Titbits.
N'kw OaLtAxs October 23. WUIIam R
Irby dt Pros. tobacco dealer and .cigar
ruanutacturers to-day Bled a petition of In-
solvency and made surrender ef their prop-
erty to their creditors. Liabilities) foi.HSS;
assets t'JtATO Inoludlng ever 800U classed
doubtful. Creditors meet November 28.
UosTON. October 23. A cahlamm
Manila Plilllippine Islands saya: llusinesa
la suspended here owlug to the terrible ey .
clone of October 2oth which caused great
destruction to buildings and beached thir
teen vessels.
Atlanta. Oa.. October 23. A dlsn.tM
received here states that Ueneral W. 1)
Holt or Jlecon died yesterday Iu New
M acon. (iA October 2H. A ttornev-(l.n.
Clifford Andersnu iu response to a rail
from leading members of the leglalatii'e
writes a long letter and enters the race mr
senator: to fill the place ef li. II. Hill.
Anderson will be alronulv snminrimi nn.t
is a man ol high character and great abil-
ity. Nw Oiilxans October 2;i Th Pica-
ytuis's Baton Kouge siiecial aaya The city
counsil and a number of prominent citi-
zens met Ibli evening to consider the ap-
plication nfthe Louisiana Western exten
sion for nght-oi-way through the citv.
W lien constructed 'his west and east rail-
road will connect Mobile with the biinsct
rnsd of Tex.n via llaton Itmige
jf uai.r.A.xn nctoi'cr .i !itrrt
telaf4a dlrsctreas of Kt. Mary's orphan
(boys) asylusa was kuorkeU Sown bv a
furiously rtnven team and run over by a
heavy float on Tchoupitoulaa strtet to-dav
and ssrlooaJy if not faully injured.
..t!To ssi.1. 0II. u. P.
f lower bas barn urged by the democratic
sute eiecntive to reconsider
bis decision pot to a.-eei.t toe nomination
for tongrsss fur the lllhew York district
lie persists however in declining. .
Nsw UaiSAits l)-ober il.-lhe Pica-
yuoes i'batlanuoga special says: lVt-
tJn!K'.or A- iihr n
. i TkY ''J JP"'ent th it inarrlage
and birthday Insurance associations be pro-
hib fed from uaiug the mails on the ground
.riL il?. W1""1'0"' frauds. He
lLvt: l!!h!.1"u wn" this conclusion
i .1 ""ronehl.v0vn'tiKnling the workings
of these institutions.
I hicauo October ;:3.-Tbe first regular
train oyer the New York Chicago A Ht.
0 IT at SD chirk tl a irni...r... -i i... i
aud the road is formally declared open for
tke Pea Ill-Centennial
A UHAKfl sm-gw.
CngKTgg Pa. October X. The ceuten-
nisi eoiabratioo of Chester to-day U a grand
siHK-ets. The city Is bright with llagn and
gay with music and crowded with tM.OU)
visitors Ths exercises of the dsy began at
fl:30 this moruing with a representation of
thelsmUngof WUIIam lVnn and his parly
'.VP. old 'l"d yswl boat at the
foot of Penn street the exact spot where
i"lUm'"l'.-H'U v" ' At
?! i meeting was orKanl.ed at
V:'"' ' Md Coneord sveniie. where
1J..(X10 poiiplc had parked In a wonderfully
tm tuv tJi".r ly Ja"J'ur ''"'-
tst. Paul s Kplsroiml church ollered prayer
after which over S.OW n-hoo. children ar
ranged on an amphitheatre built tor the oc
c'sion sung "My Uountry 'tis or Thee'"
boveruor Hoyt was then introduced and
!?h! .h t tU' i1"1 rllnlug. speech
which was well received lie alluded to
the appropriateness of having the celebra-
tion at historic Chester and then wlerrod
mw.I"' '!' tlle su- cl'1 ' t-
trlbuted to Hie influence of the Uuakers Scqtcb umci d 111' e
Mr Jiancock tbeu read an original poem
which was flowed by more slicing b th-
1.1.1UIOU. noil j i itroonisle orator of
.. . .... was vueu introduced aud held the
rarly't1dhaourUOn ' for
at rniLAnai.riiiA.
rniPAPgirBiA. Ootober !if.-Whst with
f7?i .!lrwt '""i-ent decoriilions
that .Une them and general bustle prevail-
.g to-day it seemed more like one of great
days of bl'cetiMnnlal celebration than
merely the eve of celebration pioper. The
only excerslies that took place In that con-
nection were t historical address delivered
to-night before the Pennsylvania Historical
society and a monster seranede by the tier-
Kn"encet6.0C'ety '" ff"t oMnd-
Cosnmarolal aug rinanclnl
Xsw Voag October 2.1.-The stock mar-
ket opined 1 hih.r than it closed Saturday
for Illinois Central ) for Texas k ParlBr 2J
lower fwr Richmond ADanviUs 1J lor West
nunr ana irregular but D.n.raii. i( i
j . r . 7". .
or the remainder of the Hat. Krw
lUVIrfva. lb. tllM lluirLwl Iv.iant.lw i.:.iM
atti" end weak and at 11 o'clock !..
... ?im "'J-; ?' tn U:h Wabash pre-
Vkeaeiai 4 Partllr New Jersey tVn.
eale l-uisville t Nashvllln at.1 ll .......
1 II Aelegraph were the most onspicuoii'.
I- I ultra
. . XORg October Sl.-The Post's cot-
'iort says: Kultire deliveries at the
the first call 'bowed a decline ol .1
TTolnts; the second call a further loss
ihii?'"1"- Ur tlie set-ondcall 7 to A
Tly;l were lost iu addition tolal decline
llg lost onuiriiay amoniiting to i;i to
.. .ma. i.ouuiiiMu aiiiau uenveries at
l.i pool theaeather south and the re-
duct.on inNswYora (imitations ot snot
cottou. fully account forthedecline. Stocks
at the Knglish mills would appear lo have
been under estimated and the consumption
isutinsfquently over estimated.
SI H.KKASt'llV mum t.'
New Yohk October 2.1. .Money I and .V
exchaugo -l.l. 8ub-slreasiirv bulauci.s coin
JHT.S'.ii.w.W; currency jn.uio.iar.
Tlmes-Ueiuocral Spcrlala
Nkw October A Times-
Democrnt s.e:liil says: The express ollice
at dirard Louisiana wits robbed Friday
nigntof $1). The robbery was not ilia-
covered nnfll yesterday evening. To day
alter investigation. James Menders ngeil
IS was arrested aud coulined
and confessed committing tho run.
hery Three hundred arid seventy-
rmir dollars of the money was recovered
It is believed others are implicated
.i.oio ki. or ma l.i i re.
The Times-Democrat's Vlcksburg special
says: Information was received here to-
day of the murder of a peddler named Levy
by negroesnear Milliken's llena. The body
whs not nrcovered but olllcers are on the
lookout for the murders. Two negroes
havo been arrested with packages cf goods
in their posseislon.
UAH a mow
V. II. Waildc'.l. state senator from Tm.i n
0ejied the r.iintiaijrn here to-night an-
nouncing himself a candidate lor congress
on the democratic ticket In thla (the third)
district against Judge K. Jell'erds republi-
can and Judt-e Clarke iiidenendent. but
who Is also a republican. With two mo II.
dates from ths republican party in the field
to divide the vote or that partv Waddcll
stands an excellent chance or being elected.
With only t tie regular republican nominee
be would stand no chance whatever.
H porting.
Naw York October 23-Tha long-talked-
of six dsy go-as-you-please international
walking natch commenced in Madison
Square garden at midnight.. Nearly all the
great go-as-you-please pedestrians on both
sides of the Atlantic started among the
namber being the present champion
Usorgg II sane I. of England ami ih...
champion Charles Kowell. also of Kng-land.-
An Imuisnse crowd of people greeted
the men as thrv started tlm u.nn
capacity of the gaiden being nearly all oc-
cupied. From present Indications the race
will be the greatest on record. The men
are allinlgnod condition and going well
At 12 o'clock (noon) to day twelve hours
since the start the score stands: lisrarl
lit miles; Hughes tu miles snd 2 laps; Nors
mac 75 miles and 1 lap Kowell. 74 mll-s
audOlapa; Hart (colored) Tl miles ami 4
laps; Kitgerald 7.' miles and 5 lap'; Pan-
cbot. "0 miles and 1 lap; llerty in iii!a
audi) lapi; Ylut (ai miles and 7 laps.
A Jealous Hasband'e
laoonr mid
CoolKnsToWN N.Y. October 23-John N.
Pope living near Porteviile ihot his wile
st the breakfast table. Shortly a'ter he
shot hi. hire I noin. nuiiiAil I!... il .1
shot himself three times and going outside
cut his i throat causing dea'.li iu a lew luin-1
utee. The nhen wi.-l )-. .tc:...v
waitaeea :-. t
NO. 28a
Shermau Kxperleore. Two Distinct
Shot ks or Earthquake - Junes
Sujs Dai la llaudii aps
Hlw and Is" lllue. '
Senator John Sherman iu San Autoulo
-t'nstonw Oitlrlals Catch on to
a lot of Monte
lards at Laredo -The Island City
Markets aud MUcrllauea-Mc.
Kinney Matters.
A Stubbluir Affray at llaltd -Senator
Coke at Ueorvetown-A Fire at
A Jail Delivery at illiuer-Amoui the
Kscaped Is the Notorious
Printer. Ashley Wui Murdenil County
"out. -) ni . . I Corsieana
. Special to tho Herald.
l ast .lYlutcr-Prlouds Said to Have' Coma. October S3.-Abcnt o'cInk
Aided II Im .y-lerday morning llanns were seen U-iilne
. from the Corsieana Homing mill A law
And Other lutorestlnir apwWutt
. lr ou"ding (an Immeuse woedm vtrncl.
' : ure) was wranml In n...a -n. L" .
Fort Worth.
Special to the Herald.
Kokt Wohtii October '23.
-Cottoti and
wool receint. l..t . ""Z
...i. - "'y ueay
and coiumaiided goinl prices.
The Hon. John I). Templcton.nfter a brier
.pe.l o sickness. 1 .Ktl(ll . on
streets. ben eutindy rwoveted he will
resumehis canvass of this part of th. state
SMtt "'J 1
Wsatherlord. where Judge Ireland was to
a..-. lu iiiiy. a uunibvr of democrats
went out to hear him. nun rati
W.H. Shannon and Andrew J. Cham-
tiers caudnlales respectively for the state
h:utn.V"m.T1Zh'Ue't " C0"rt'
Mr. J. Aabury one of Tarrant's oldest
ritlifens. had a Sue horse stolen Isst night
Tlie Hon. Walla Tlim . ..i i .7 .
mmeji i. row of Columbus wsre in the . eV r.1"0 "lro Instantly. An In-
city Sunday. MUest was held and a verdict rendered U .
iiistrici court adjourned Saturday foav-
ing a great deal of imiiortanl business un'
The stock of Thou. .P u.i
heavy retail dealer In dry gooils was
mipu iinuiT riicuiinn
Ihiii under execution by !'. J. Willis dt . " non market dossil steady and nn-
ro to satiafyaclaliu for 143410. changed: Middling spot 101; sales .ft.P
.lack I'atten wn. iai..i i. ... bales receinta. 10.7ir2. ero.a S ma t .' 1
assaulted aud beaten a man namsjil Scott a
lew dsys sgo. Bcoll Is in a critical condl-
A t a special nieelintf of the city council
irm wiiu evening si.tjj of hallts e and
ininroveiuHiit bnml. ur. nr.iu....
... 1 i.l .. .. 7'--"-- '"vicu
.Tigih .; tiieU;.;: ;r n:;..?";
.lav between the parties. The sienker de-
aiM-niinr .i -
cliinsl hiinsell opposed in tho prohililtorv
said. sMiiing inner tliin;s that the denio.
emtic and republic piullesdiilered on he
powers and duties d general government
and appropriation lor expenses and
taiiir. Uovemor Davis and his inuai d "r -
ing mlniinistration were coiiiniented on.
sir. iMxoii in reply pointed mil what he
eetween demmrats
Ppeclal to the llerald.
WA.o October lit. News Irom (iilmer
says: There was a Jail delivery here Hat-
srday night Seven prisoners made their
escape one of whom was the notorious W.
W. Ashley the printer who killed County
Judge Lyons last year and who escaped
at the time bnl was arrested at
helma Alabama and brought back. The
others were H. Mark bam and lour negroes
all charged with murder and lllch Young'
convicted of theft. Tho only remaining In-
mate of the Jail Is a poor fellow put in for
beating bis wife. Ashley It seems has a
great many friends In the county and soms
of them are believed to have conveyed the
crowbar to him with which lie opened his
cell and then passed it to bis comrades.
There bas been great excitement and olll-
cers made pursuit but no rapture has yet
been made. It is believed arrangements
were made on the outside to facilitate
AshWy s escape and it is probable that he
will get oul ol the state.
Special to ths Herald. ' October 23 Couirnisakm of ap-
peals: Merrill vs. (Shoemaker from Wise
county; afllrmed. Kmlth (administrator)
vs. Bhlnn et el. from county; re-
versed and remanded. Holoonxb ye Kelly
front Coryell county; reversed and dis-
missed (iarrlson vs. Orant Irom Robert-
son county: sttlnned. Hiindesty Pros. sya.
Fleming from Wheeler county; afllrmed
Oscar vs. Johnson from Kotmrtson county
reversed and remanded. Ilium et si. va'
Byres from Coryell county; reversed and
remanded. Peterson vs. Hates. Irom l.sinar
county: reversed and remanded. Cole st
al. vs. (llenn et al from Coryell county
allirmed. helth vs. Hindinan front Na-
varro county: reversed and remanded. Iee
et al. vs. Mows A Wllmerdlng Irom Wash-
Incton county: reversed and remanded.
Judge White left for home to-dav. His
win has been sick for some time and is liuw
seriously ill. (
Bt ttl to the Ib-tsM.
fi M.vrsToN C-tnlier a-A colored dmy.
mn mm& Williams was thrown from
l'l' dray. tt:e wheel" passing over his cheat
jj wasemeevs.1 ln.e
- ; ;': . mfd A. W.
luunmnuin .ew i org st par. 1 . .
liarland Htnlih a horse trader was ar. 8p'U1 10 th """"'d-
burglary in hssllsnd City. ner 11 o'eln-k seven prisoii.r . '
.from jail by breaking out with a crow bur
apecinl to tho llerald. 1 1'smled Into the cell by some outside party.
.tMcKiNRfcT ttekiber 1J3.-U U rumoestl ou-H1 ?el"eld lor murder one lor Ions'
the streets that Ihe late treasurer ef this . ' a lirwr". and two wnsj '
Vuu.y. W. Cameron wM shorMn'hl. MPKi;
accounts 70W Ills bondsmen are over- " he story. The rages are inattc pi.s
looking the books aud if there is any deficit ' 'W"Rht steel but were brosm open.-v
will pVouipUy pay it. easily with a crowoar. No clew to the pea-
ii i- i it . . . "0" wll '"v 'he ciowbar. Cilnlens
It. A. MneJi randidnte Tor floater leaves scourod the country all day bunday bnl "
this evening for Denton. He Is sanguined ("y""1 010 traca of tinte negi.s aenr
election. tlie Harrison county line. Our lail had
Hon. J. W. Throckmorton candidate for J'"' been completed ut the cost of llilAD
criiik'ress on the dnuiiMTiitic ticket aud John lrn' excitement prevails.
K. liUon caiulidul i the other tioket ' Hix new "p"1 have J:ist been toiupleted.
spoke here to-day. OovernorThroi-kinortnii' business Is pajd. Cotton !a roimpg lo
opened the discussion and after hrielly dta- "vo'y-
cussing the .riuciplea ol tho democratic' " AuslTa"" ' '
leriiieu inn iiiiterencrs net ween demmrats i . '.'"" oj mo iiignins a
mi the tnrlir atui. knd thethree million acre ' "uble sH-lallun ol Houston litest a
appropriation lo build the ciipilol; nhlv ad- ic r.- ' .
voi ated the principles of the grceiihaek . 1 '"' lolr IW"S to-morrow. A la-ee st-
party. The speeches .11.1 credit : to liotli t'ml''T expected dunng the week
gentlemen and were liiulily gratifying to I . Mexicans were sent to the peoilen-
their respective friends. 11 v l"-'lay lor live years each for horse-
1 IKIUt flVsi CBNjei
j wper smeared a car corner Market and
Centre streets and refusing to i iVs waa
ben notil el that he wouid have to klJJ
U bei'"e belligerent abusuIJ
he driver in a most nnrallid rer manlte. '
which he had drawn. There were laojtVin
V'.rJt '' ? occirreucs 0. .
?l L n!.lU'lbrJ " W- The drives
ndUil.rrii"UUCe' Cy?r wliru.eV
?hi. J J 'l'c"fd bafore the moi.ler
..riT " to ""'" 10 be double
WMifni. mn i 0rry'nK concealed deadly
weapons and aggravated assault aud bat-7-
ior " "1st he was fined
over to the criminal court
-li i u".lv"8" market tot ipot rotten
rWAStrWall"f. l. WsT"
Marchlo'V ' o'tr.'.'0 l?.:
t. . ; i .'tfti.
bUK-k of actual cotton on band it;
lAfi:"" mlll. aOloiV; coarse' l&
to l.c; burry and dirty io to l'V. '
l "o lcfry ' lllt; r' llf
! lately been refitted with new ma hi 7.
i and was doing
good busuiisa. It was
" V ' ."'
ilieniiilisatotnl lora
".. auoui .i(nj. Xhs origiu Of the
Ilr" Is at present unknown
Infand?.1.1'!' ' iif f" etdlon" pick .
JJ-ffi Uu.
on the wtton that wiil be hauled here
lm mor illlulJ- . .
8pfW 10 HorlJJ'
1("'"Tun October 23-At a negro dame
th WarJ M" "'k'1". "
Vton lus d John
i ""r1b1d n 17tin. duriup which
i- fi V. ... 7.1 "" siaooea warnr
M'oorale wiiu the facts. Iteynekis was
janct. jiv is an ex. convict
and served a term of three veara iu the
penitentiary lor an assault wild intent to
i f're w rousing deniocratio meeting
ln "l? lurU' wra 0 'ltht at wbn h
speeches were made and much eiitUuswaiiw
mn"'??f'.l0r 119 '". of the tens..
i ..
aill... ' -t '
"r" to "" UvtM-
Acstin October i'l..V
. .rws uom iiiiietent
parts of this district Is decldlv faviimtila h.
j ' .tew.d. b.
fi n y ' T" '""-I0'"- Jones thinks
'IWllV i"1'1 '' ' "" h"" w" '''w
I 'MJ'v 0"'". snd ho is In despair mid bas
noi0 f'1"
i i r luriug mills (tnlveston filed
I """.J!;' ?y 'nTenaluK itsj capital
-'i? ' i I' V'' ....
.i".;V. i -T :"' .. . " i 1
Kpecisl to the Herald.
HmsMAN (K:tober 21. About 4o'elotk
yesterday evening a slight earthquake was
plainly felt ln sevetul portions of our city.
There were two vibrations seeniinrjy from
north to south and in the second story of a
frame residence where people were writing
or quietly passing the moments. It was
very plainly experienced. Tba f.rat
lasted but a second snd wan barely felt bbt
was Immediately followed bv one tnoie
violent and lasting several seconds. At the
compress it wss more plainly observed than
st any other point ths movement being so
violent that it raug IheeaiLbell on the en-
glue and cotton bates on the platlorui ers
seen to sway north and south
Special to the Herald.
Mas-hail October 23-Lut Bsturday
the colored Odd Fellows beaded by a krsss
band marched from their lodge res tst
through the principal streets to Use I'nlcn
park. They presented a flne appearaaee.
At night the pavilion sad grounds gt the
park were handsomely Illuminated. David
Abner In able and eloquent lang nape nor.
traved the beauties of their noble ' order.
AOer the speech-making the evening waa
spent in tripping the light fantastic toe to
the old tune "We won't go Home till Morn.
District court convened this moraine
Judge ltooty presiding. B
Tbs wsathsr la lovely
Special to the Herald.
TassfLL October 23-Tbe National
Marriage association of Terrell B If.
I.ogsn recretary bss.made a aealptimrnt
of Its elTects for the benefit of Its creditors.
The annual synod of the Northern Presby-
terian church of this state rotivened here
last week and closed yetcrds?. The ptil.
pits nf all denominations we're tilled ves-
terdeynnd again st nlgbt by ths us lire
Tlie men-lisnts who wre horned out In
the late tire have all so ured bouses end
are nll'rrlng tnelr (Isnisged geocds Is Ihe
public st greatly reda..) prices
A greet deal ol sicklies ; retertd In lha
townajid cn'niiMinlly '
C .iiiliMiieil Nil luiir.ti r ig

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The Dallas Daily Herald. (Dallas, Tex.), Vol. 29, No. 288, Ed. 1 Tuesday, October 24, 1882,newspaper, October 24, 1882; Dallas, Texas. ( July 18, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The Dallas Daily Herald (2025)


Is The Dallas Morning News liberal or conservative? ›

Historically, the Morning News' opinion section has tilted conservative, mirroring Texas' drift to the Republican Party since the 1950s.

What happened to the Dallas Times Herald newspaper? ›

As an afternoon publication for most of its 102 years, its demise was hastened by the shift of newspaper reading habits to morning papers, the reliance on television for late-breaking news, as well as the loss of an antitrust lawsuit against crosstown rival The Dallas Morning News after the latter's parent company ...

What is the history of The Dallas Morning News? ›

1874 – George Bannerman Dealey (1859—1946) is employed as an office boy at The Daily News beginning on October 12. He establishes The Dallas Morning News on behalf of A. H. Belo in 1885 and is promoted to general manager of A. H. Belo & Co. in 1894. Dealey is elected vice president in 1906.

Who owns the Dallas newspaper? ›

DallasNews Corporation, formerly A. H. Belo Corporation (/ˈbiːloʊ/), is a Dallas, Texas-based media holding company of The Dallas Morning News and Belo + Company.

What is the richest neighborhood in Dallas? ›

Highland Park regularly ranks as the richest neighborhood in Dallas – and for good reason. Highland Park is an affluent and picturesque residential neighborhood approximately 3 miles north of the center of Dallas, so downtown is always in close proximity.

Which newspapers are conservative? ›

  • The Wall Street Journal‎ (1 C, 26 P)
  • American conservative websites‎ (3 C, 60 P)
  • The Weekly Standard people‎ (32 P)
  • Winning Team Publishing‎ (1 C, 1 P)
  • WorldNetDaily people‎ (50 P)

Is the Herald a daily newspaper? ›

The centre-left Herald is Scotland's highest circulation quality newspaper. Founded it 1783 it is one of the world's oldest daily papers still in print. In recent years circulation has been in steady decline.

Who owns Herald newspaper? ›

It is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. The Herald Sun is the highest-circulating daily newspaper in Australia, with a weekday circulation of 350 thousand and claimed readership of 1.26 million.

Is The Evening Herald still published? ›

The Herald as it is commonly known today is a national newspaper owned by the Irish Independent Group of newspapers and has continued since 1891 to have a nationwide circilation althrough the paper is heavily assocaited with County Dublin.

How many people read The Dallas Morning News? ›

The Dallas Morning News is Texas' leading daily newspaper with a bedrock journalistic reputation, intense regional focus and close community ties. More than 12 million people a month read The News' content published in print, online or digitally.

How many people are subscribed to The Dallas Morning News? ›

The News ended the quarter with 64,172 digital subscribers, up 12.4% from a year ago, said Katy Murray, president of DallasNews Corporation. Combined digital and print subscribers totaled 144,631, down 2.3% from a year ago.

Who owns the DMN? ›

DallasNews Corporation (NASDAQ: DALN) is the Dallas-based holding company of The Dallas Morning News and Medium Giant. The Dallas Morning News is Texas' leading daily newspaper with a strong journalistic reputation, intense regional focus and close community ties.

Who owns the largest newspapers in the US? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

Where is Dallas Morning News printed? ›

The Dallas Morning News is moving its longtime printing operation from Plano into a smaller facility in Carrollton, a decision that will save the newspaper an estimated $5 million a year in expenses and will include the elimination of about 85 positions.

What is the name of the newspaper in Fort Worth Texas? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is an American daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex.

What are the demographics of The Dallas Morning News? ›

The Dallas Morning News is a male-dominated company. 55% of The Dallas Morning News employees are male and 45% of The Dallas Morning News employees are female. The most common race/ethnicity at The Dallas Morning News is White. 54% of employees at The Dallas Morning News are White.

What is the liberal newspaper in Texas? ›

The Texas Observer (also known as the Observer) is an American magazine with a liberal political outlook. The Observer is published bimonthly by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the Texas Democracy Foundation.

What is a good conservative news channel? ›

Top 70 Conservative News Websites in 2024
  • FOX News.
  • New York Post.
  • Breitbart News Network.
  • TheBlaze.
  • The Daily Caller.
  • One America News Network.
  • Newsmax.
  • Judicial Watch.

Is the Daily News conservative or liberal? ›

From the 1940s through the 1960s, the Daily News espoused conservative populism. By the mid-1970s however, it began shifting its stance, and during the 1990s, it gained a reputation as a moderately liberal alternative to the right-wing Post (which until 1980 had been a Democratic bastion).


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.