From injury to domestic life. - Anonymous - 징크스 - 밍과 | Jinx (2024)

Chapter Text

The news of Jaekyung's injury spread like a plague, reaching overseas. All the sports programs were talking about the athlete's injury; it was the news of the moment, no one stopped talking about his injury. On the internet, on television, and in the newspaper, everyone was analyzing his career and even daring to say that this was the end of his professional career. All Jaekyung could do was snort and curse at everyone who dared to talk about his career. He knew that injuries were serious, and sometimes many athelete would never be the same again, but that will not be his case; he will come back strong and prove that he is still the emperor, the invincible athlete.

After returning to Seoul, he had a visit with his doctor, underwent some tests, and came to the conclusion that was already known: a shoulder injury due to tendinitis. But Jaekyung was running with luck and did not need surgery; he just needed complete rest for a period of two to three months and rehabilitation with physiotherapy sessions.

“And what am I supposed to do these months?” expresses Jaekyung with some irritation.

He maintains his characteristic frown as he lets Dan massage his shoulder. The good thing about having his physical therapist at home is that he can get treatment whenever and wherever he wants.

“I don't know, Jaekyung, you can do something you like, something you've always wanted to do,” Dan says, giving a smile to his boyfriend and trying to cheer him up.

Jaekyung lets out a snort, and when Dan finishes with his treatment, he sinks deeper into the bed, letting his back lean back against the pillow. “Well, I like swimming and have always wanted to practice it more.”

“Something you don't have to use your injured arm with, Jaekyung,” Dan reminds him as he climbs onto the bed, getting under the sheets. He settles in next to Jaekyung and gives him a tender look. He knows the athlete is frustrated because he has to rest due to his injury. He understands that he is not happy with the idea of doing nothing, but that is the only thing Dan can offer him.

Jaekyung grumbles like a little kid and moves closer to Dan to hug him; at least that's something he can still do. He snuggles Dan against his chest, and in the process, he gets intoxicated by the softness of his boyfriend's skin. It's soothing and therapeutic.

“Maybe we should take a vacation; we can go to the beach; I'll rent a house; or we can go to the mountains. I don't know. Anywhere away from people.”

And Dan loves the idea, and for a second, he closes his eyes and loses himself in his mind, imagining a magical vacation with his boyfriend and son. But reality hits him only seconds later, and he knows he must ruin Jaekyung's plans.

“I would love to, but we can't do that.”

“Don't screw it up.”

Dan laughs at Jaekyung's protests; from where he's lying down, he can know he's pouting. He leaves a quick kiss on his bare chest before he can pull away to look at him. Jaekyung's eyes look at him like a puppy, like sheep's eyes trying to have their way with him. Dan laughs again and shakes his head. Jaekyung has learned that expression from Kenji, and it's cute to see how his son has influenced Jaekyung to now look like the sweetest being in the world. But as sweet as he is, Dan can't please him; someone has to be a boring, serious adult, right?

“Jae, we can't travel because Kenji is still in school and I have to work.”

Jaekyung understands that, but still can't help but let out a snort. His frown is back on his face, which he wants to bury in his pillow because nothing goes his way, and that bothers him.

“You are my physical therapist, mine,” he expresses possessively as he pulls Dan as close as he can to his body. “You shouldn't be tending to others, just me.”

And all Dan can do is look at Jaekyung lovingly as he hugs him like a teddy bear, the man's strong arms wrapping around him as if to keep him corralled forever. And Dan lets himself; he lets Jaekyung squeeze him in his arms. In the past, this would scare him; he would be afraid of Jaekyung holding him possessively. But now he knows this is his way of showing his love, and of course, it's a harmless “possession.”

“I have to be there for the boys,” Dan says softly when Jaekyung lets him off the hook, but now it's Dan who holds him, taking his face gently. “I can't leave Namwook every time I want to; I can't force him to find a replacement for me every time I want to go on vacation. He was very gracious to let me go when I needed to be away from you, and then later, when my grandmother died. Not many bosses do that; I've taken a lot of liberties in the past, and now I want to make it up to him.”

And even though Jaekyung is bothered by the idea of having to share his physical therapist, he knows that Dan is not going to accept any proposal he makes; it will be impossible to convince him to take time off. So all Jaekyung can do is smile at his boyfriend and nod because Dan has already made up his mind, and nothing he says will make him change his mind. He goes over to leave him a kiss, and then they both lie down, snuggled up next to each other.

In the morning, Dan is the first one to get up. Next to him, Jaekyung is still sleeping. Dan looks at him and gives him a little kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed. It is only a couple of minutes later, when he is in the kitchen preparing breakfast, that Jaekyung comes downstairs. He is wrapped in his robe and pajamas, and by his expression, he is not happy about having to stay home. Dan looks at him and gives him a small smile.

“Good morning, Jaekyung, how are you feeling today?”

“I feel like sh*t” is all the athlete says, his shoulders slumped, and from his slow voice, he's not in the mood.

“Language,” Dan expressed, and he gently punched Jaekyung in the chest.

Jaekyung frowns at him without understanding why Dan is scolding him. The physical therapist gestures with his eyes and a nod of his head to remind him that they are not alone in the kitchen. Jaekyung moves his head, and his eyes widen when he realizes that Kenji is in front of them. Of course, it is forbidden to say bad words in front of the boy.

Jaekyung puts on a slight smile and walks over to greet the boy. “Good morning, buddy,” he says, leaving a caress in Kenji hair. The little boy simply nods as he continues to eat his cereal with milk. Jaekyung couldn't help but frown again at his silent response. “It's very quiet today; is everything okay?”

Dan laughs quietly as he moves around the kitchen. “It's just one of those mornings where he had a hard time waking up,” he says as he looks down at his little boy with a tender smile. The little guy has finished eating, and Dan comes over to help him with his bowl. “Go get ready, sweetie; we'll be leaving soon.”

Kenji says nothing as he gets off the stool. The poor boy is more asleep than awake as he walks towards the stairs. Jaekyung watches him go, still feeling strange about the boy's calm demeanor. However, he puts that aside when Kenji disappears down the hallway, giving Dan and Jaekyung a moment alone. The athlete walks up to Dan and hugs him from behind. He burrows his face into Dan's neck and stays there, simply sniffing Dan's scent as the physical therapist prepares his son's lunchbox.

“Don't go to work,” says the athlete, breaking the soft silence he had created.

“Sorry, baby. Adults need go to work,” jokes the chestnut, laughing a little when he senses the athlete's discomfort.

Jaekyung snorts against Dan's neck before turning him around so they can look at each other. Now Dan is cornered between the kitchen island and Jaekyung's body. Dan smiles at his boyfriend as he runs one of his hands up and down his robe-covered arm. “Have you already thought about what you are going to do today?”

“Probably sinking into my own misery,” Jaekyung says quietly. He almost sounds depressed, and Dan can't help but worry. As dramatic as that sounds, for Jaekyung, an injury is almost like the end of the world. And it's no wonder he feels depressed.

“Well, I made sure to leave you a whole list of movies you probably haven't seen. Kenji even picked one out for you. That might help entertain you for the day." He knows it's a lazy proposition, but it might help. “I also left you breakfast and lunch ready, so you won't have to move your arm.”

“I don't think cooking is going to make my shoulder any more injured than it already is.”

Dan just rolls his eyes. “This is the part where you say, Thank you, Dan; you're the best.”

Jaekyung laughs and does exactly what Dan wants; he thanks him for everything, leaving many kisses all over his face. “Thank you; you're the best. I love you,” he says between kisses.

All Dan can do is laugh, but his laughter is cut short by Jaekyung's lips kissing his lips nonstop. “Stop it, you're tickling me,” murmurs the chestnut as he tries to gently push the athlete away.

Jaekyung stops his kisses; however, he leaves one last kiss on Dan's lips, a slow and soft one that lasts longer than it should. They only separate when they feel footsteps announcing that the other member of the household has entered the kitchen. Dan quickly pushes Jaekyung away and looks at his son as he tries to conceal his blushing and gasping for breath.

“Are you ready, sweetheart?” he asks normally; however, he can't help swallowing saliva. Has he seen us? Dan thinks, his heart thudding in his ears in despair. Kenji simply nods as he lets out a yawn, and Dan allows himself to relax. It's nothing, he thinks as he sighs. Dan puts his thoughts aside and finishes getting Kenji's things ready before heading out.

“Do you want me to take you to work? I can get dressed quickly,” says Jaekyung, following Dan and Kenji out the door.

“Don't worry, we're fine,” Dan says as he puts Kenji's shoes on. He then stands up and looks at Jaekyung. “The only thing I want you to do today is to lie in bed and relax.”

Jaekyung lets out a snort, folds his arms, and leans against the wall. “I'm really trying to obey you, but you're asking me to do things that are too hard to do.”

“Staying in bed all day and resting is too hard for you?”

“That could literally kill me.”

Dan laughs softly and looks at Jaekyung as he puts on his sweater. This may also sound over the top and dramatic, but Jaekyung is used to being outside; it's clear that he's going to feel overwhelmed from being cooped up all day. Dan knows that Jaekyung is not going to put up with being alone doing nothing, and considering that he has his own gym, Dan fears that he might try to train in his craziness to do something. But Jaekyung wouldn't be so stupid as to do something that would further damage his injury, would he? Well, Dan doesn't want to know.

“Okay, how about you pick Kenji up after school?”

Jaekyung's eyes sparkle when he hears that proposal, and he quickly starts nodding with euphoria. He will do anything to get out of the house.

“Okay.” Dan knows that's an easy activity to do, so he'll let Jaekyung take care of this. “I'll send you the details later.”

Jaekyung smiles and then says goodbye to both. He watches them leave and sighs when he is left alone in his huge house. Jaekyung decides to go eat before he starts watching Dan's recommended movies. He opens the fridge and sees a plastic container with a note: “Just put it in the microwave❤︎” Jaekyung is thankful to be alone because no one can see the blush forming on his cheeks as he reads the little note Dan left for him. He knows it's silly, but that little gesture made him stand with a lovesick, goofy grin as he prepared his food. Damn, since when did he get so sentimental?

He serves his food and walks to the couch. Since he is on vacation, he allows himself to lie on the couch and eat on it. He then turns on the TV and checks the list of movies Dan left for him. He laughs a little when he sees the children's movie, and he knows that was Kenji's choice. Jaekyung puts on a random movie and starts eating.

He is almost counting the hours to leave while watching a movie. He is lying on the couch as comfortably as possible. He tries to concentrate on the movie playing on his flat-screen TV, but his eyes wander to the clock hanging on the wall. The ticking is almost mortifying, but it is the only thing that keeps Jaekyung sane. With only an hour to go, Jaekyung puts the movie to rest and goes to his room to take a shower. He takes off his pajama clothes and fixes himself up in an attempt to leave his depressed look behind. It's a relief that he doesn't have to wear a sling; he remembers the words Dan told him as he put on his shirt. His shoulder hurts, but it's nothing he can't handle.

And that's why he doesn't understand why he has to take a break; he's had that pain forever, and he's done well. Heck, he's the world champion; he's done more than well.

“You have to rest; if you keep straining your body and shoulder, in the next competition you may not come out undefeated, and then you will need an operation for your shoulder and a sling to recover. And maybe you won't compete again after that. Do you want that, Jaekyung?"

Jaekyung lets out a snort as he remembers the doctor's words. His voice booming in his head is annoying and causes him repulsion. But he was aware that what he told him was for his own good, so, just because he still wanted to remain the world champion, Jaekyung kept calm and accepted the break. But everyone knows that he is counting the days until he can finally step into the ring again.

Once he finishes dressing, he takes his keys and leaves the house. He knows he left a little earlier than he should, so he decides to take the long way to Kenji's school. Jaekyung takes his time, and when he arrives at the school, he still has a few minutes to park. He is already familiar with the place, so he doesn't feel awkward when looking for a spot, nor is he nervous about picking up the boy; however, he checks his phone with the information Dan sent him. This would be the first time he entered the school in its entirety; that part was always done by Dan.

Jaekyung rereads Dan's message, and when it is recorded, he puts on his cap and sunglasses and gets out of the car. He walks towards the entrance but stops when the guard interrupts him. Behind his glasses, he looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Who are you coming for, sir? I need your identification.”

Oh yeah, Jaekyung completely forgot that he can't just walk like that at a school; he quickly pulls out his ID and hands it to the guard. In the process, he takes off his sunglasses and cap so that is easy to recognize. “I'm here for Kim Kenji; his father, Kim Dan, authorized me to pick him up.”

There are a few minutes of silence while the security guard reviews the information given. In the process, he lets other people in; the athlete assumes they are parents that the guard already knows, so he lets them in. It's the same with Dan, and just because of that, Jaekyung is not bothered by so much protocol towards him. At the end of the day, it's good that the school is concerned about the safety of the children and won't let in just any stranger.

“It's all right, sir; you can pass.” The security guard hands him his ID again and nods, allowing him to pass.

Jaekyung thanks and puts on his cap, leaving his sunglasses hanging over the collar of his shirt. He's not too worried about being recognized, but it's best to keep a low profile as he walks out. Jaekyung enters the school, and all he sees are children, parents, and teachers walking everywhere. The place is quaint and full of life. The walls are lined with billboards with pictures of school activities, and the doors are painted with children's drawings. It's almost like being at a carnival, Jaekyung thinks. Silently, he walks down the hallway, looking at the numbers above each door indicating the classroom. Jaekyung stops when he see Kenji's door, knocks on the door, and patiently waits for the door to open.

Only a second later, a woman in her 30s appears behind the door; she is smiling so happily that it annoys Jaekyung.

“I'm here for Kenji,” is all he says, wanting to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Oh, yes. Come in, Mr. Joo.”

Jaekyung nods and enters the room. It is a simple classroom, but spacious enough for 20 children to play and run around. There is a section full of desks and another section for games. Everything is just as picture as outside, and Jaekyung regrets taking off his glasses.

“HYUNG!” Kenji runs up to him and hugs him tightly; the impact was so great that Jaekyung staggers a little. How is it that this kid can almost hit him like he's a soccer player? Jaekyung lowers his gaze to look at Kenji and smiles at him. “You came looking for me, Hyung.”

It's a very obvious statement, but Jaekyung doesn't complain; instead, he leaves a caress on Kenji's hair. “That's right, buddy,” he says, then shakes his hair, and Kenji laughs.

“This is perfect; come on, I'll show you everything.” Kenji takes him by the hand and almost drags him all over the place. Jaekyung definitely didn't expect Kenji to push him into the room, but he didn't want to interrupt the boy's excitement by showing him his entire classroom. “And this is where I sit. Oh, and this is where I keep my things, like my colors and notebooks.”

Kenji talks as he shows him each thing and then explains to Jaekyung what such a thing is and what it is used for. Jaekyung leaves him, but when he notices that all the kids start to leave with their respective parents, Jaekyung knows it's time to end the tour.

“Buddy, I love it so much that you want to show me everything you do here, but it's time to go,” he says softly and with a smile.

Out of the corner of his eye, he looks at the teacher, who is waiting for them insistently at the door. Class time is over, and it is obvious that the woman wants to go now.

Luckily, Kenji doesn't protest and instead runs over to some shelves where several backpacks and sacks are hanging. Kenji explains to him that this is where everyone leaves their stuff when it's time to play, and Jaekyung acts as if he didn't already know this and responds with quite a bit of astonishment. He then helps Kenji put on his coat and backpack, and then, hand in hand, they walk out of the room, saying goodbye to the teacher.

On the way to the car, Kenji talks and talks. The boy is always excited, but today he seems to be much more excited. He no longer looks anything like the little boy from this morning who almost had to shuffle his feet to stand up and not fall asleep.

“Are you always going to come for me, Hyung?” the little boy asks happily.

Jaekyung lowers his head and smiles at him. Why don't I do that already? Thinks the athlete; he always passes by in the car, and Dan just picks him up at the salon. But Jaekyung is not going to ruin the boy's illusion or tell him that his question is kind of dumb; Kenji can ask all the dumb questions in the world, and he will gladly answer them. “I'll try to do it, buddy.”

That answer is more than satisfactory to Kenji, who now starts talking about all the activities he did in the day. They get into the car, and when Jaekyung is driving, he calls Dan. The physical therapist doesn't have time to say hello, as the first thing they hear is a shout of excitement from Kenji as he yells into the phone, greeting his father. Jaekyung almost goes deaf at that, but he doesn't complain and instead lets out a small laugh as he shakes his head. Once Kenji falls silent, the adults continue with the call.

“Do you want me to come get you?”

“I'm going to stay a little longer to help Namwook with the paperwork; I'll leave later. But can you do me a favor? I remembered that I would go to the store to buy some things that are needed at home, but I'll be late. Can you do it for me?"

Jaekyung doesn't remember at what point they started acting like a family, and doesn't remember when they started doing these things every day, domestic things like making the market. It just started subtly, so quietly that Jaekyung didn't notice until they were both talking about what was missing in the dispensary as if they were a married couple. He was never attracted to everyday things, to home life, but here he was, loving Dan and telling him what was missing in the house they both share. He doesn't know how to describe this feeling, but he feels foolish for the warmth he gets from the simple fact that Dan sends him out to buy necessities. It makes him feel like they're a little family, and it's rewarding and beautiful. And as Jaekyung drives to the supermarket, he feels complete.

When he parks, he puts his cap back on before getting out. He helps Kenji out of the car, and then, hand in hand, they walk to the supermarket. It's not the first time he's come with the boy to shop, but it's the first time the two of them have gone alone.

“Well, your dad gave me a list of what we should buy,” Jaekyung says as he moves the shopping cart down the aisle and looks at his phone. “But is there anything else we should buy, buddy?” He then looks down at the little boy walking beside him.

“Candys! There's a lot of candy missing at home!” says the child with a bright smile.

Jaekyung can't help but feel warmth in his chest when Kenji says the word “home.” He doesn't know why he always has that reaction in his chest, but the idea that Kenji already sees his house as his home makes him feel pleasant and happy.

“There's a lot of candy at home, kid,” Jaekyung says, then grabs the little boy's nose and pinches it. Kenji whines but laughs at the same time. “But I'll let you take some.”

Kenji squeals in excitement and quickly runs to the candy section. Jaekyung shakes his head as a smile escapes his face. He knows where the boy will be, so he calmly puts the things he needs from this aisle into the cart and then moves to the candy aisle. He is surprised when he arrives and the child is nowhere to be found. Jaekyung walks into the aisle, pushing the cart while walking in slow steps. There are several people, but none of them are Kenji, just mothers and fathers with their children choosing which candy to take. Jaekyung begins to despair when he reaches the end of the aisle and doesn't see Kenji. He stops and swallows saliva; his heart starts to race, and from nerves, he starts to sweat.

Damn it, where did he go? He thinks in despair as he looks around. What should I do now? Call Dan. No, what am I going to say to him? “Hey Dan, I lost your son at the supermarket, and someone probably kidnapped him.” Damn, Dan is going to kill me.

“Okay, okay, you need to calm down and think with a cool head.” Jaekyung mutters under his breath as he starts to move. Kenji must not be far away; he will go with a security guard, and they will help him look for Kenji. As he walks, he can imagine the looks he will get for losing his child, but he tries to ignore them as well as his tormenting thoughts. But then images of Kenji being kidnapped come up, and Jaekyung has to move faster to find a security guard. He only stops when someone calls him, and when he turns around, he sees Kenji running towards him.

“Jaekyung Hyung!”

Jaekyung doesn't know how to explain the relief he feels when he sees the boy running towards him; he feels his breath return to his lungs and his worries go away. The fear and nerves he felt when he lost sight of the boy are put on the back burner, as if they had never been there in the first place. Jaekyung crouches down when Kenji arrives; the boy is shaken from running, his cheeks flushed. But he has a smile on his face and doesn't look scared. That makes Jaekyung stay calm and act as if nothing has happened, yet his hands are shaking from the nerves still coursing through his system.

“Hyung, look what I found!” Kenji lifts the magazine he had hugged against his chest, which, out of nervousness, Jaekyung didn't notice until Kenji slapped it against his face. “It's you, Hyung!”

Jaekyung has to blink and move away a little to get a better look. He carefully picks up the magazine and looks at it. Jaekyung's eyes widen in astonishment when he notices the magazine. It's him on the cover; he's scantily clad in just boxer shorts and a black silk robe, and adding to that, he's striking a provocative pose. Jaekyung did that shoot a while ago for an underwear campaign, but he didn't care about it, so he forgot that he was going to be on the front page. Jaekyung blushes and looks at the boy, who is smiling happily to see his Hyung in a magazine.

“Where did you get this, buddy?”

“There's a section full of magazines, but they're all naked; why are they naked, Hyung?”

Okay, enough; Jaekyung has had enough. With his face burning with embarrassment and without answering Kenji's question, he takes the boy in his arms and puts him in the shopping cart. Kenji doesn't complain; instead, he is excited to be inside the cart. “It's like being in a spaceship,” he says as Jaekyung moves the cart toward the magazine section.

He leaves Kenji at the beginning of the aisle because he is not going to allow the boy to enter a place full of p*rnographic pictures again. Jaekyung has to lower his cap to cover his face as he walks, and out of the corner of his eye, he looks up at the shelves, all filled with naked women and men. The blood rushes to his head, and he quickly puts down the magazine and turns around, walking away from the place. Damn, how come I let the kid see those things? The place was alone; anything could have happened. How come there's a p*rn magazine section in a supermarket in the first place? Jaekyung's worries return, and his hands begin to sweat as he pushes the cart and gets as far away from the scene as he can. He remains calm and reminds himself that everything is fine, Kenji is fine, and nothing bad happened. But this is definitely something he will never tell Dan.

“Hyung, are you famous? Only famous people appear in magazines."

And Jaekyung would like to put the subject behind him, but he knows the boy is too curious; at least he's not asking awkward questions about why he was half-naked in a magazine. It's the innocence of children, Jaekyung thinks as he looks at Kenji, who waits for an answer. The boy is as calm and not at all tormented as he is.

“Yeah, kid, I'm a world-class athlete, and we world-class athletes are pretty famous.”

“Wow,” replies Kenji, with his eyes almost glowing and looking at Jaekyung with the utmost adoration. Jaekyung simply smiles at him as he continues to move the cart through the aisles of the supermarket.

After that, the shopping is quiet. Jaekyung lets Kenji choose the candy he wants, but this time he is not letting him run all over the place; instead, he keeps him trapped inside the cart.

It is when he has everything that he finally forms up to pay. When he gets to his car, he thanks the attendant for bringing his stuff, puts everything in the trunk, and then begins to unpack the box with the child seat he bought. They spend a few more minutes in the parking lot while he adjusts the seat inside the car.

“Why did you buy that?” asks Kenji, who watches from outside.

“Because little kids like you need to have a car seat when they ride in the car so they are safe,” he says as he reads the instructions one more time. It's only when he's sure the seat is ready that Jaekyung gets out of the car and asks Kenji to get in. The boy keeps grimacing and is somewhat curious as he sits down, but once he settles in and Jaekyung buckles him in, he smiles.

Jaekyung is happy that he liked it and then climbs into his seat. It had been very irresponsible of him not to have done this earlier. He knows how much Dan worries when Kenji gets in the car, and although he doesn't say anything, Jaekyung notices how he makes sure to protect Kenji with double the number of belts. With this seat, the little guy is safer, and he knows Dan will be more than relieved.

On the way home, Jaekyung is surprised at how long it has taken. Dan has already texted him that he is already at home, while he is still stuck in traffic. He warns Dan that he's going to be late and then leans back in the seat, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel, patiently waiting for him to be able to move. Through the rearview mirror, he looks at Kenji. The little boy is distracted by eating a chocolate bar, but Jaekyung knows it's only a matter of time before he gets bored and starts to fidget as he sits there doing nothing. And that moment comes just as he finishes eating the chocolate. Jaekyung helps him wipe his hands and mouth.

“Hyung, can I ask a question?”

“Of course, buddy.”. Jaekyung is looking straight ahead, trying to see through the sea of cars, but he sees nothing to answer why there is so much traffic and lets out a sigh. However, he almost chokes on his own saliva when Kenji asks his question.

“Why did you kiss my dad?”

Jaekyung opens his eyes wider and looks at Kenji through the rearview mirror. The little boy is calm, but Jaekyung is not. Jaekyung turns to look at Kenji and swallows saliva because he doesn't know what to say. “What?” is all he says, and again, the nerves he felt in the supermarket come back.

“I saw you kissing my dad this morning in the kitchen. Why did you do it?”

Heck, so he did see us, Jaekyung thinks, as he has flashbacks of the morning where he kissed Dan when they were alone. Lucky you, Jaekyung. Jaekyung closes his eyes and turns his gaze to the front. He is still stuck in traffic and knows that he is not going to be able to excuse himself from this. The boy is waiting for an answer, and he must give it to him. But he didn't know how to do it, as this was something Dan wanted to do. But now he's here, stuck in the car with his son, and he has to take charge. He hopes Dan won't be angry about revealing their relationship; he knows he has to tell the truth, as the boy already saw them kissing, he couldn't lie to him.

“Well, you see, Kenji,” Jaekyung says, tightening his grip on the steering wheel and keeping his eyes straight ahead. “Your father and I are in a romantic relationship.

“A romantic relationship?” asks the boy, full of curiosity.

“Yes.” Jaekyung looks at him from the rearview mirror and smiles, but inside he's dying of nerves. Why does this have to happen to him? Definitely, the universe hates him. “You see, sometimes when two people love each other and fall in love, they decide they want to be together.

“Oh, we talked about that at school!” Kenji interrupts him, and Jaekyung tries not to frown as he allows Kenji to speak. “The teacher said there are many kinds of love: there's brotherly love, friend love, the love you feel for your pet, and couple love. Is that what you and my dad are, a couple?”

Jaekyung nods and inwardly feels relieved; it looks like the matter will be resolved easily. Thank you, Kenji's teacher, thinks Jaekyung as he smiles at Kenji. “Yes, your dad and I are a couple. We love each other, and that's why we decided to be together.”

“Do you love my dad?”

“Yes, I love him very much.”

“And that's why we live with you now, because you love my dad and because he's your boyfriend?”

“That's right, buddy, but it was also for you; after all, you are my best friend.” Jaekyung turns around so that the boy can see him while smiling at him. Kenji smiles back, and Jaekyung thinks the issue is over. However, he sings victory too quickly, as Kenji comes back with another round of questions.

“Why didn't you guys ever tell me you were dating?”

Kenji looks disappointed, and his voice is a little sad. Jaekyung forgets for a minute that he's talking to a six-year-old and feels bad for keeping that from him. Why did they do that in the first place? He was just following what Dan was telling him, but he knows they should have told him this a long time ago. Jaekyung doesn't want Kenji to feel sad about this, so he quickly makes up a story.

“We were going to tell you, buddy, but your dad and I wanted to surprise you, so we kept it a secret until the surprise was ready.”

And as Jaekyung expected, Kenji quickly erased his sad face, and now his characteristic curiosity showed on his little face.

“What was the surprise?”

“Oh, I'm not going to tell you; I already told you too much.” Jaekyung quickly turns back to the front, leaving Kenji wanting to know more.

But Jaekyung refuses to say more because he can't think of what to say anymore and, instead, concentrates on moving the car. Finally, they make it out of traffic and now, without interruption, drive home.

“I'm glad you're my dad's boyfriend, Hyung,” Kenji says when they reach the penthouse, hugging him around the waist before running off down the hallway.

Jaekyung looks at him with a faint smile. Yes, I'm glad too, says the athlete.

When Kenji enters the Penthouse, he runs looking for his father, not even taking off his shoes, his backpack, or his jacket. He runs to Dan and hugs him tightly when he sees him in the kitchen. Dan is used to such euphoric hugs; however, he senses an extra excitement in his son and can't help but look at his little boy with some confusion.

“Dad, you don't have to hide your secret anymore; I know everything.”

Dan doesn't understand what his son is talking about and looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Kenji keeps smiling, but that doesn't give Dan an answer.

“What secret are you talking about, honey?” Dan bends down to be level with his son.

“The secret, that you and Jaekyung are dating!. I saw you two kissing in the morning, and Jaekyung told me all about it.”

Oh, the look on Dan's face is perplexed, and he doesn't know exactly what to do with that information. Then it dawned on him this morning. Dan looks at his son dumbfounded, coldness running down his skin.

“Jaekyung told me you had a surprise for me. Sorry to ruin it.”

“No, no honey,” Dan hurries to make his son understand that he hasn't done anything wrong, even though he has no idea what surprise he's talking about. “We can still do it; I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you something like that.”

“It’s okay,” Kenji says, and then hugs his father.

Dan hugs him back and then gently asks him to go put his things away and take off his shoes. Kenji runs happily; Dan watches him go and then gets up, running into Jaekyung, who had stayed away from the conversation.

“I'm so sorry I had to tell him. I know you want to do it yourself, but we were in traffic, and he started asking.” The words got stuck in his mouth when Dan's lips hit his. Jaekyung's eyes are wide open and still remain so when Dan breaks away and looks at him with a smile.

“We don't have to hide anymore,” says Dan, who kisses Jaekyung again before hugging him. “I'm not upset, Jaekyung; it was time to tell him anyway. I'm sorry you had to go through that; I know how it is when Kenji catches you with his questions unexpectedly.”

Jaekyung shakes his head and hugs Dan. “It's okay; everything went well. But now, we owe the boy a surprise.”

Dan laughs as he shakes his head, then kisses Jaekyung before helping him put away the things he bought. The surprise ended up being a two-day trip to the beach and a gift for Kenji. Now the little boy had a set of new toys.

Dan doesn't wish things were any other way; watching his son run along the beach is all he needs to feel relieved that things turned out this way. Now he doesn't understand why it took so long to tell his son the truth. Maybe he was protecting him, but seeing Kenji and Jaekyung playing with a ball in the sand with the sea behind them is all Dan needs to know that everything is going to be okay.

From injury to domestic life. - Anonymous - 징크스 - 밍과 | Jinx (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.