Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


Hoiisr Part of Hon Rent, 77 84 Houses For Sale City. A.UTOMOB1UK paint shop or suitable for manufacturing of nny description; not restricted; 2.0U0 sq. ft. Apply ,1. pachs.

179 '-tockton at, Brooklyn. Thone William-f fcurip 2W4. 4-3 fUNTISTH OFFICE fith av. lHh st. oer Trepels florist, opp.

Woolu orth plumb-' 3 chairs; $l10 Mldwood -7 FACTORY 0.noo sq. ft fonw building; 7 100 sprinkler, H. P. hollers; all impmvf- iens; Al condition; near R. R.

terminal: 1 '2c. ft. Offer. Nielsen Office. 32 Court t.

-2 mwC FXOOR Suitable for business or offices; 1 location; near Boro Hall and subways; a JI improvement a. A Springer. 13 1,1 v- ingston at. let, fis.s. i- FLOOR Business, aboie store.

30 fL wln-. slow front, for light manufacturing. R. O. K.

Shop. 524 th av. I 1-7 OARAGE to lease, I ADx 1 00 modern, fireproof; Just from builder. Inquire premises, Turner Pitkin and Alabama avs; 9 to 11 -Mailv. 4-7 GARACR and to let; room for 12 cars; will consider selling.

A. F. Mayo, 360 t. Brooklyn. 1-7 HALF of rtore, suitable carpenter, plumber ar electrician; show window; good business auction.

f-37 Gates av. 6-7 LOFT to let, 76x15; light on all sides; all Improvements; 11SJ Flushing av, Brooklyn. Call Stagg 4104. I 4-8 LOFT TO LET Light on (our sides, with heat. 60x100.

Apply R. S. McNeill G7 Jsv st, Brooklyn. 31-7 LOFTS St. 4ux76 each; very light; steam; 18 Newel! at.

Creennpint 6420. 4-7 fTORE-LARGE CORNER AND BASE-WENT; NEW; FINE BUSINESS SECTION; fAT BE DIVIDED. 791 BEDFORD AV, "NEAR THEATER. 6-7 STORK, suitable for any business, on busy thoroughfare reasonable rent, long R. Realty 1030 Coney Island av.

Telephone Mansfield 9360. 6-7 BTORE and two rooms; at earn heat In wonderful business block; $75; New Utrecht ar, near 62d st. Jackson, 140 Nassau st, K. Y. Citv.

4-3 Large corner store for rent, Albe-marie rd corner Lott Immediate poeses-t ton suitable for any business. Flatbush t4(. 31-7 STORE. 10808 Jamaica av, rear lOJMh st; active buslnesa section. Richmond Hill.

See Janitor or phone 3316 Barclay. 6-3 fiTORE with floor above; good for sale or rent. 4420 18th av. Mansfield 861. I 17 TORES for hardware, clonks and suits, r.

tailor, stationery, furrier, barber, grocer, meat, drygoods, shoes; live business loca-A xlons also; doctor or dentist's office. Stein Goldstein, 164 Montague st. Main 1031. STORES Reasonable; near all luhwayi, elevated, cars; splendid opportunity. Call daily.

11 to 6, Donner Ashland pi, near Fulton st. Nevins 2468. 3-7 TrVAuON ROOM or storage. 26x70. with 17-' stall stable and loft In rear; reasonable.

81 Congre-- 2-7 18TH AV, 7721 Large corner store, fine location, suitable any business; rent rea-' sonable. I 1-7 iSDFORD AV, 1046 Near Lafayette av; store, about 20x96, plenty light, center auto-mobile trade, suitable for accessories or any -astiaineas requiring extra large store; ateam heat, alectrloity. hot water supply. Phone r. Sterling 63t.

6-7 FLATBUSH 291 Clarendon rd, 20 min from Wall st; suitable for doctor or dentist; dentist established 6 years vacated 8 room corner apartment, newly decorated A ti wonderful opportunity for right man va-v cant; must be seen to be appreciated; rent long lease: plenty heat and coal. phone Flatbuah 10342. 1-7 1'LATBUKH Choice Flatbush av stores to -jet; also other good locstlons. Boylan brothers, 181 Woodruff av, at Flatbuah av, i Brooklyn. Phone 1 165 Flatbush.

Open Sundaya and holidays. 5-7 'tf. FLATBUSH AV, 1468 Best business sec-t-4 tlon; prb-e $Uo month. Inquire Kllnke. I 0390-R Manafleld.

4-7 ST, 67 First floor, three rooms bt six rooma, bath, shower and kitchenette; suitable professional party. 6-7C HANSON PL, 66 Modern offices excellent for physicians or dentists; 3 subways, 2 elevated stations, L. I. Depot, block away. Inquire premlaes.

or South 2292. 3-7 LEXINGTON AV. 808-1050x75 or 26x75; one-story brick; steam heat: concrete floor; now being used as an automobile repair ahop. Inquire Iouls Besdlne, 189 Montague jr Brooklyn. Main 7541.

B-T '4 llBERTY AV. 9fil Corner 97th st; large store. suuaDie ior ana iu-ceui store. Phone Richmond Hill 9608. I 51-7 LIVINGSTON ST, 305 Suite 2 rooms, prl- 84 FLATBUSH Nice little buy, 6-room, inclosed porch, stucco, parquet, electric, hardwood trim, well built house, near Church av, only let us show you this house; a very finely constructed, tax exempt 2-famll; detached house, located close to subway, on parked street, near park house contains 10 rooms and Inclosed porches, tiled bath, shower, fireplaces, two steam plants, electric light, parquet throughout; has double garage; price sea this If you want a good house; $1,000 buys a 1-family, tax exempt stucco, six rooms, bath, inclosed porch, all Improvements; driveway; near subway; price $9,150, balance like rent; only one left: act quick.

Atlyn S. Crumm, 1560 Flatbush av; Interboro subway, Flatbush av station open Sunday and Election Day. 4-7 1 FLATBUSH Corner; Flake Terrace section; beautiful home for immediate occupancy; 11 rooms, two baths; hot-water heat, parquet floors throughout; every modern convenience first floor, fine enclosed brick porch, music room, very large living room, dining room, tiled kitchen, large closets; second floor, four flne bedrooms, tiled bath room, dressing room and sleeping porch third floor, three bedrooms, bathroom and, 1 structlon: two-car garage attached; every thing up to the minute; must be seen to be appreciated; terms arranged. Geo. TV.

Egbert, 1621 Cortelyou rd; at Brighton straws station. Phone Flatbush 0014. 6-3 FLATBUSH Value that cannot be duplicated; new detached tax exempt 2-famlly corner; located on large plot; fully Improved street; In excellent home section; near subway, stores, 10 rooms; 2 enclosed porches; high grade parquet throughout; 2 brick open fireplaces; 2 steam plants and Instantaneous water heaters; tiled baths, with built-in tuba and showers: copper leaders and gutters; 2-car stuccoed block garage; constructed with best of material by day's labor under supervision most competent responsible builder; price terms arranged. Rodgers Brothers, 1595 Flatbush av, Interboro Flatbush av station. Open B'ectlon Pay.

FLATBUSH Farragut rd and E. 40th stt substantial new 1-family hquses, space, 6 rooms, tiled bath. Inclosed heated porch, all latest Improvements, $8,760 and up; terms. C. F.

Wolse, owner and builder, 96 Wliv-throp st. Flatbush 8611-J. 4-3 FLATBUSH 1-family home; near subwa-y; $1,000 casn; 7-room house; detached; well built; beautiful decorations; tiled kitchen and bath; garage; 2-famlly: tax exempt; 11 rooms; 2 porches; 2 parages; 2-famlly, brick: beautiful corner; 8 rooms; garage; best Colonial architecture; $21,500. M. Klein, 1119 Kings Highway.

Mldwood 7710. Open Election Day. FLATBUSH One $10,000, 40x100, drive way; on $11,600, 28x100, garage; both 6 rooms, bath; must ba seen to be appreel ated; tax exempt. 1335, 1360 E. 28th st Whiting Development Corp.

Phone Mldwood 5044. 4-2 FLATBUSH Only one left, detached brick ana stucco; new z-ramiiv. 1471 E. 17th st. between Avb and only 2 blocks Elm av or Kings Highway statlona Brighton subway, eacn floor has 6 large roomi and tiled bath with shower; tiled kitchen, glass enclosed porcn; separate entrances: cellars; stean Plant: laundries and hot water heaters: ear.

age material and workmanship of verv nest; open every aay. ueorge m. Ural gen owners ana ttuuaers. l'none Mans field 0927. 8-7 FLATBUSH East 23d at.

1284, near Av price mo cam sctn si, price sin.iM): detached; 6 rooms; all improvements: nanel decorations, tapestry brick porches: Stewart nomes; your terms in reason. hs uien-wood rd. Tel. Mansfield 2911 or Mldwood 8061. 6-7 FLATBUSH 1600 E.

225 st, between Avs, and only 1 left: $8,760: driveway; breHkfast nook; a real bargain; near Kings Highway express station, B. B. L. Stewart nomes; your terms in reason. 8806 Glen-wood rd.

Phone Mansfield 2911 or Mldwood 8061. 3-7 FLATBUSH Near Parkside av station of Brighton subway, on most desirable residential block an exceptional one-family detached house of 10 rooms and bath Is being offered at the very low price of $14,600, House is In perfect order. Newly aecoratea; every moaern improvement. Thii Is a real home end a snlendid location Joseph N. Neef, 849 Flatbush av, Flatbush 1236.

5-3 ptu FLATBUSH Unusual sacrifice; detached dwelling with 9 rooms, large tiled bath, steam heat, parquet, 2-car ga rage; pioi uxiuo, on a Deautirui oiock; located near Avenue station of Brighton subway; price $15,260: first mortgage he 14 py savings Dan, its.uuo. Heaaonaoie terms. Joseph N. Neef, 849 Flatbush av, Flatbush 1236. 1200 Ocean Parkway.

Mldwood 7700. 1876 Ocean av, Mldwood 8290. 5-2C FLATBUSH Big 2-famlly frame, detached, 13 separate entrances and porches; new roof; screens, electric, steam; 40x100; paved street; beautiful section; near subway; price listed elsewhere, I can deliver at $14,000 this week; this Is one chance in a lifetime to secure a big prewar constructed house on your own terms in reason. Howard K. Smith, 2162 Nostrand av, near Flatbush av.

junction. Mansfield 8895. 4-7C FLATBUSH Positive sacrifice, new tax exempt detached stucco semi-bungalow; 474 East 23d st, near NewktrK av, 7 large rooms, 2 tiled baths, tiled kitchen, glass enclosed sun parlor, garage; lot 60 feet front; house Is up to date In every detail; price reduced from $21,000. If you want a home at a bargain don't fall to see this; open every day for Inspection. Phone Mansfield 0927.

2-7 FLATBUSH Builder's sacrifice; near I. R. T. subway and Flatbush av; restricted section; new semi-detached 2 family; no taxes; 10 rooms, 2 tiled baths; steam, electricity, parquet; 2 car garage; reduced to also detached. 11 rooms, 2 enclosed porches, 2 car garage, $12,600, and one 15 room 2 car garage, 2 enclosed porches, $18,500.

Ken more Realty, 721 22d st. Mansfield 0824. Open Sunday. 6-3 mwf FLATBUSH We'll sell 1 or 2 family house all Improvements; 1 family, plot 46x100; 2 family, plot 40x105, Particulars, phone Mldwood 2495. I 6-7 FLATBUSH E.

19th st; beautiful home; nine rooms, two tnea natns and tiled kitchen; every modern convenient; French doors; tapestry brick mantels; two-car modern garage; beautiful and shrubs; price terms arranged. J. E. Arnot. 297 E.

18th st. Phona Flatbush 3446. 5-3 FLATBUSH R. 27th st, between Avea and builder sacrifices beautiful tax exempt one-family houses, 7 rooms, tile bath, kitchen, parquet floors throughout, steam, electric, breakfast nook; Inclosed porch; Look them over before buying elsewhere. Small cash payment.

Builder on premises, or phone Evergreen 4048, for particulars. 4-7 FLATBUSH See this house before buying eisewnere; Deautirui new nciacneq 8-room house; large plot; convenient to subway and schools: near park; parquet, electricity, hot water heat, tiled bath, built-in tub: painted decoration; garage space: price IS.760; small amount cash, balance easy terms. Rodgers Brothers. 1595 Flatbush av, Interboro Flatbush sv station. Open Election Day.

FLATBUSH Reduced $14,500 to $12,600. tax exempt 1-ramiiy n-ricK, 7 rooms and bath, garape, tiled kitchen and bath, shower, hardwood floors throughout; also new 1 family brick, 6 rooms and bath: up-to-date, with garage. excellent construction; In a most desirable and convenient location. Hartlgan 1428 Flatbush av. Mansfield 0684.

4-3 FLATBUSH Startling value; tax exempt, detached 2-family house of 11 rooms In a flne neighborhood: separate entrances; two sun parlors: electric, parquet, steam; separate heaters: standing showers; plot 40x 100; convenient to'nchool and subway; price $14,000, cash required $2,500, balance less than rent. rt. F. Pratt, 1674 Flatbuih av, corner Av. I.

Mldwood 2280. 4-7C FLATBUSH BARGAIN IS rooms, 2 sun porches: new two-family: double garage; plot 40x100; parquet, electric, steam; East Mtdwood section; near trolley, subway and school tile aide wall In bathroom and kitchen; price cash $4,000. John F. Kennedy 1354 Flatbush av. snmC FLATBUSH New tax exempt 2-famlly, 11 rooms: 2 enclosed porches, steam, electric, parquet, finely decorated; all large, light 2-car garage; well located, near Brighton subway, schools end stores; price $13,600, easy terms.

George Tarker, 1904 Av O. Mldwood 7923. I 1-7 FLATBUSH East 40th between Glen-wood rd and Avenue 4 houses, $7,900 each; Stewart homea; your terms In reason. Phone Mansfield 2911. I 4-7 FLATBUSH $1,500 'cash; builder caught short; says sell at once; located, 6-room, tax exempt cottage, steam, electric parquet throughout: decorated to suit: tiled kitchen and bath, breakfast nook finished with benches and table; driveway: full fries terms In reason.

George W. arker. 1904 Av O. Mldwood 7923. 1 FLATBUSH East 15th st, nenr Neck rd, Brighton line; 1-famlly brick, 7 rpom.

bath, steam, electric, parquet; terms. McNeil Moseley, $8 Montagus SL Main IB4L 1-70 Houses For Sale City. I. of 2 81 APARTMENT, six-room, modern Improve merits; 10; near subway, tall between and 6. Prospect 877-6.

4 APARTMENT Voun rounla desire 4 roomi with improvements; rent preferably Bedford section. Nolan, 282 Morrat at. l- GA RAGE, private: and furnished room wanted by young gentleman: beat creden tfals; convenient to subway. Box D-290, Eagle office. I HOUSE Wanted 1-family, in Bay Ridge section, by Nov.

15. Phone Berkshire o89, 6 FLATBUSH Refined Christian couple. children, will rent 4 or 6 room furnished or unfurnished apartment, from Deo em be 1st to May or June 1st; between Prospect Park and Avenue beat reference. Box Y-72. Eagle office.

8 HILL SECTION or vicinity. 4 or o-room apartment; rent not over 146; small Chris tian ramny. box v-z7. bsgie omce. i- LONG ISLAND Wanted, furnished apt or 4 rooms and bath, or small furnished house, until May young married Christian coudIo: no children: not over 40 min utes from city.

State full particulars in letter. coscrave. Hotel Asnton, jq st, Madison av, w. T. c.

BUSINESS COUPLE desire 6 or 6 rooms Improvements; near subway; 145 to $55. Riley, 3ii Nostrand av. Lafayette ari 9 1 BUSINESS COUPLE desires room, kitchen ette, only with private family; reasonable, Box Kagie omce. CHRISTIAN couple desires furnished apartment. 4 rooms and bath, for winter.

Boi Z-64, Eagle Manhattan branch, World bldg. CHRISTIANS. 3 adults, desire 4 or 5 rooms, with modern Improvements; $25-140. Box B-2S9, Eagle office. 6 MOTHER and daughter oealre 3-room apart' ment.

with haat: cvnresa Hllla section pre erred; about $30. Mohr, Glenmore 9828, WANTED, ABOUT NOV. 20, modern epart ment. 4 or 5 rooms, bv family three Chris ttan adults; near subway; rent about $65. writ American Bander odzu za av.

5- A NT ED 3 or 8 unfurnished rooms; ladles: llarht hnusekeenlna: nrivate house owner; $26 or $30. Box L-276, Eagle office. "WANTED unfurnlahed modern 3 -room apart ment; young; couple. Phone Decatur 5488 or write S. B.

S. 267A Lewis av, Bklyn I 31- WANTED 4 or 5 room auartmett: electric Ity; rents $40 to $45; adult Christian couple. Box E-29J, Eagle office YOUNG COUPLE, with baby, want 8 or 4 rooms with bath, within $25 or $30. Miller, 1366 Bushwlck av. 4-7 YOUNG COUPLE desire 3-4 rooms and kitchen, monthly; improvements unfurnished.

E. Henly, 23 Poplar st. ft ft no ms. nnfurniahed. heated.

Improve ments. $85, $60; 3 Christiana; away five months of vear. Staeff 1210-W. I 4-T PI rnnm And t.nth. heat and electricity mill famfiv Flatbuah referred: Murnhv 130 Prospect Dl.

6-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Apartments for Sale 81a ARLINGTON SECTION 16-famlly heated apartment; rent nargain ido.uuu, churn 129 RalDh av. B-St-sumsC RKDFORD SECTION Cornor apartment tax exempt: 48-famlly; rent sell ing price zsu.ituo; casn requirea nenr office. Lester J. Robinson Inc. 1 Nostrand av.

Phona Lafayette 8600. 6-7 FLATBUSH Facing Prospect Park, near Brighton subway station; 16 apartments; every Improvement; price others from $85,000 to $300,000. Westwood Realty 685 Flatbush av. Closed Sunday. 1-7C GREENE AV Corner 4-story 8-famlly brick aDartment.

A rooms and bath each, ateam heat, hot water supply, electric light and fiarquet floors in moBt of the apartments; ncome 17.000 a year: Drlce $40,000 as sessed at $86,000. 5-4 su PARK SLOPE 8-family, 6 rooms and bath, steam heat, electric In hails and some apartments; rent $4,300 yearly price 925, oou near sunway. uawstan neaity jo. 213 6th av. South 8613.

2-7C PARK SLOPE 8th av. 46x100. 16 families 4 rooms, bath each; steam; rents price cash $7,500. G. Jay Goren, 482 79th st.

Brooklyn. 1-7C SIX-FAMILY brick, new, tax exempt; every moaern improvement gas raniators in come 12.000 over expenses; price $21,000. Altar. 1000 Nostrand av: ooen even in as. 5-7 Business Property S3 GARAGES, 20; private; brick; on block 60 feet bv 100: in residential section; monthly Income $300 price 30,000 mortgage to suit.

Inquire basem*nt, 239 Cooper st. 6-2 REAL ESTATE OFFICE Fulton and Nos trand; active real estate center; reason able. 460 Putnam av. Decatur 4884. I 4-7 STORE Up-to-date grocery and delicatessen store in rapidly growing section; improved llvina rooms back of stores.

Phone Jamaica 617-W. I 4-7 STORE with two 8-room apartments above 8d av, near 76th st. Phone Shore Road 10390. 6-7 FLATBUSH Two-family brlk and stone In good business section, $13,000. E.

K. House, Ifill Nostrand av. GRAND AV, 468-470 Near Fulton st; four story brick stable, storage warehouse, fac tory; ouxjuu; an nuut; lmmeuiais posaca-sion: assessed $21,000: price snap. Frank Jones. 913 Fulton at.

fl-3 th sa JAMAICA JUNCTION Large stores; three rooms and bath on nrst floor, six rooms ana bath on necond floor: no othor stores: in neighborhood of 600 houses; ideal spot for grocer; steam neat, electric ngni; semi-detaohed: niot 30x150: buildina 22x60; eight-foot driveway; easy terms; $2,600 cash; price Apply to owner, jonn K. Brown, New York av, Jamaica Junction, Jamaica. L. I. 6-7 BIG BARGAINS New corner brick.

2 fam llv. with store: modern improvements; goon for drug store; suitable for any line of business; terms to suit, inquire 78 Para-toga av, corner of Llsonla, Brooklyn. 5-7 FOR SALE OR LEASE: One-story brick bulldfne. 44x100: suitable for any business. 132-4 Hall st, near Wallabout Market.

1-7 Farms and Land For Sale. 83 16-ACRE garden farm; fine brook, 76 fruit trees: seven-room house, nam, zu minutes Peeksklll depot; half cash 11 TMvtnn. f.25 South st. Peeksklll. N.

6-7 Houses Sale City. 84 1ST KT. 466 3-story. American basem*nt limestone front, 9 rooms. 2 baths, electric light, parquet noor; vacant; price i4.ouu; terms arranged.

Phone owner, Sterling 6159. 1 -7C 10TH ST Two-family brick, 10 rooms. 1 bath: good condition: near subway; $8,500. Lavden Bourne. 132 7th av.

South 2301. B-7C 13TH AV Widow must sell at once, near subway. 2-family brick modern Improve ments: price cash $2,500. Joseph N. Volpe, 113 6th av.

New York. Chelsea 0126. 3-7C 49TH ST, 1530 II rooms; 40x100; modern: reasonable. Phone Flatbush 878. 5-7 74TH ST.

434 One-family, 2-story brick, limestone front. 0 rooms and bath: steam; immediate occupancy; price cash $2,500. Shannon 305 Flatbush av. Sterling 1880. 2-7C 60TH ST, 311 Three-story completely furnished and rented as furnished rooms: nil) sell for small cash payment.

Call after 1 p.m.. 624 58th st. 6-7 AVENUE near East 2d st, detached, tax exempt, two. families, $2,500 cash: every modern Improvement. Agar, 1000 Nostrand av, has representative on premises today and Election ay.

Culver line to Av station. 6-2C BAY 20TH 8T. Si-Beautiful detached one-family house on plot 40 feet wide; electric light, steam heat; garage; price llO.hOO first mortgage $4,500. held by Title $2,000 cash. Lewis, 0720 Bensonhurst.

BAY RIDGE BEST BUYS One-family. 6 rooms and bath. 17,000. cash 11.000; one-family. 1 rooms and bath.

18.500, cash $500; lots of others cheap. Two-family, 11 rooms. $12,600. cash ll.ftOO; two-family, 10 rooms 2 tiled baths, $9,650, cash $2,000, balance your terms. Live In the above for less rent than you pay at present.

Fatie-ner 7912 5th av. Phone Shore Road 0891-2299. 5-7 BAY RIDGE Make appointment to Inspect property on Election Day now. Faus-ner 7912 5th av. Phones.

Shore Road 0991-2299. 5-2 BAY RIDGE New 1-family, white stucco, detach t'd. sun parlor, beamed ceiling living room, open fireplace dining room, glass-enclosed breakfast room, tile kitchen, psn-trv. laundry, 4 bedrouuis, enclosed sleeping porch, 2 baths, garage private driveway. 88 K7h st.

Nhor R-sd 5751 or 3S7V 5-7 BAY RIDGE New tax exempt two-family brick houses. 11 rooms. 2 bntha; windows In all rooms; electric, parquet throughout; two steam plants; beautiful decorations; price terms. See Torkel Laraen, 6823 fith av. Shore Bead J650.

Wanted To Kent. 1 I 84 BAY RIDGE 2 -family, semi-detached orieK. ateam heat, parquet, electric, tile kitchen and bath, enclosed porch pries tasn tz.ttuu. conneiiy a Tray nor, Md st, corner 5th av. Phone Shora Road 1413- 5-70 BAY RIDGE New llv riunlev hnuu tax exempt; all latest Improvement; steam plants, garage; top floor rented; moving out of city; small cash, good terms.

Erickson. 6926 7th av. Phona business nours unset sjas. k-i BAT RIDGE For only $12,600 we can offer a. strictly modem semi-detached realdence, 9 rooms and bath; garage; near Colonial rd.

Bulkley A Horton 7620 Sd av. Shore Road 0600; 6 offices. I-7C BAY RIDGE Attractive detached 12-room residence; comer plot 100x140; on broad paraway; two blocks from subway station; all Improvements; large porches; fine lawn; $27,000. Phone Shore Road 0354. 6-7 BAY RIDGE Builder's sacrifice: two one- family, brick, 8 rooms, tiled bath and mtenen: brick garage; plot 80x100.

L. A. Michaels 84th st A Marine av. Phone Shore Road 6893. l-14t BAY RIDGE Our listings of property in this section are complete.

Including many aesiraoie propositions in private homes ana Investments. Loweu A Carl berg. 4607 6th av. near 4th st. Sunset 8948 o24-14tC BAY RIDGE Attractive It rooms.

3 baths, 1 lavatories, all improvements; plot 60x100; 2 blocks to subway, near Crescent Club. 8207 Ridge Boulevard. Shore Road 346S-J. 4-3 sm BAY RIDGE Well built two-familv frame fine order: rear norch: oulck nossesalon: cash $1,600.. Slmonson Agency, 6813 4th av, at Bay Ridge subway station.

2-70 BAY RIDGE 2-famllv brick house: electric, parquet floors; 2 steam plants; porches; ararage: 813. 600: cash 83.600. F. O. Inawar- eon 9t 872 Bth av.

2-7C BAY RIDGE Watch 4th av grow and while a ten in your money grow wun 4tn av. Consult me. Wm. T. Fade.

8607 4th av. Tel. Shore Road 9186. 1-14C BAY RIDGE 8-famlly brick, 4 light rooms ana Datn eacn; newly decorated; near 4tn av subway; $13,500. Mat son- 4601 4th av.

Sunset 8836. 8J-7C BAY RTDGE 6-famlly, tax exempt; rent s48 yearly; price fZl.600; casn M.hoo. 10 vesttaata. John F. Burke.

607 40th at. 6-7 BEDFORD SECTION Beautiful house, perfect condition; Immediate occupancy; beautifully located ooDoslte nark. Owner. 24 Arlington pi. bterllng 8131 or La- xayeua zuso.

t-1 BEDFORD SECTION Corner; two-family brick, 11 rooms, baths; steam, electricity; rents Ideal location for drug store or doctor's office; 3 -garage space; $13,600, terms. Bogosslan, 87 Lafayette av. Prospect 0369. 81-7 BEDFORD SECTION 3-family brownstone, i ana baths; electric, parquet; new furnace; price right. Alfred V.

Benson, 26 Court et. Triangle 6191. 6-2C BEDFORD SECTION 2-famlly and store oeiow; corner nouse; electricity, narawooa floor, newly decorated; $16,500. Coney Island 4469. 4-7 BENSONHURST 1 -family detached 9-room nouse and sun parlor, garage, an moaern Improvements; refined neighborhood, near school, stores and subway; will rent or sell at tremendous sacrifice; sailing for Europe.

Act quick. Bensonhurst 7847. 1814 75th st. I 6-3 BERGEN ST. 1271 Beautiful two-family house, 18 rooms; hot-water heat, electricity; between Brooklyn and Kingston avs.

5-7 BROWNSVILLE Saratoga av; 2-famtly brick, tsx exempt 1 1 rooms, enclosed porch 2-car garage; brick foundation, finished cellar, all modern Improvements; built for myself, not a speculation house; upper floor rented for $90 to business people; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply S. Brill, 375 Fulton st. Room 60, or Mr. Berg, on premises.

Phone for my representative, Triangle 7434. 81-70 CARLTON AV, near subways, 2-fam. stone. 1 1 rooms, electric, steam, parquet xnp noor remea ou; 1st mtge offer. Mallon, 287 Flatbush av.

B-7C CARLTON AV. near Fulton and Atlantic rrame, rooms ana natn, colored South 4176-J after 7 p.m. 4-7 CLERMONT AV Two-family house; Im provements. particulars, inquire 9b N. Oxford.

Also for sale. 6-7 CONEY ISLAND The most beautiful, mod ern, spacious house on the island, 14 rooms. 8 baths, built 40x60; garage; lot 77x105. call coney island 0945 between 10 and a.m., 6 and 8 p.m. 5-7 CORNCORD ST Corner 191-193 and 218 uoid stt s-frame; $15,000, T.

J. Cavanagh B75 Fulton st. 1-7 CORNELIA ST 2 left of 23 new 2-famlly nrica nousew. steam Doners, eiactric light, etc. flne neighborhood; 6c fare on an troiieys ana elevated lines; tax exempt.

Mayer Gundrum, Cornelia st. between Wyckoff and Myrtle avs. 5-7 CORTELYOU RD Attractive semi-detached oncK nouse, on piot soxut: z-car garage; completn two-family, 1 8 rooms; many extras; price $19,600. James B. Fisher, 174 Montague st.

Main 7267. l-3t-wfmC CROWN HEIGHTS SECTION Two new 2 ramny 11-room nouses: tax exemnt: thor. oughly modern; porch; each house 84 foot frontage; select neighborhood; block from jvoetrana av. suoway. Jtiierschenk Bros.

850 Nostrand av, corner Union st. 4-7C CROWN HEIGHTS, near Brooklyn Collee. Bemi-aeicnea z-inmny iancy oricK with porch, garage every other Improvement coal; possession: perfect condition. Owner, DECATUR 8T Bargain; 3 and base, brown stone; it rooms; parquet, heat; poss. Carrlngton 1779 Fulton st.

Open eve- rings and Sundays. n6-30 DECATUR ST 20-foot built 2-family stone; riwL-ixiciiy nne condition; 912, DUU. KStCham Tnc. 129 Ralph av. 6-8t eu wC EG RAW ST.

362 20 ft. from Smith store and 3 floors, brick, improvements; sv.uvv. a-atory ann pasem*nt 8-ramilv, Improvements, brick, 20 ft; $8,000. terms. Bloch, phone Henry 1838-J.

4-8 E. 2D ST, near Cortelyou; 2-famlly detached rrame, i rooms, an improvements; 40x100 good condition; bargain, $10,000. Maher A tinea, ts tiravesena av. Windsor 6709, 3-7C E. BTH ST.

near Fcrt Hamilton av: 10-room nouse; must oe som to settle an estate; good oftrgain. inquire Trinity av, Manhattan. Tel. Mott Haven 7157. 4-8 EAST 5TH ST At Church av; 2-family; 16 rooma; oa.rgain u.duu no oners; no brokers.

Windsor 5094. 5-7 EAST 8TH ST AND FOSTER AV Bsautl- iui 6-room bunjcaiow: narauet. electric. steam; nothing Hke it In Flatbush for the price; $8,500: 32.000 cash. Thomnmon coney island and Church an.

Windsor 477. 2-7C EAST 15TH ST At your own price, 2-fam lly brick houses; two enclosed porches; steam heated; double garages; tax exempt; between Avs and agent on premises. Tel. Beekman 91S8. 3-i FLATBUSH Attractive new home: tar exempt; stucco construction; English architecture, with side entrance; eight rooma and bath; very large enclosed porch and living room; completely modern, with all conveniences; garage attached; plot 60x100.

The only new up-to-the-minute home on the market in best section of Flatbush. This property will appeal to practical persona tin well as those of artistic taste and will meet the most discriminating In regard to construction. Price first mortgage terms arranged to suit within reason. J. R.

Arnot. 397 E. 18th st. Phone Flatbuah 3446. 6-3 FLATBUSH A most attractive home for sale at a sacrifice on account of illness; one-fa-Ttlly frame house, ten rooms and bath, on lot 50x105 In excellent crndltion; all Improvements: electricity, parquet, steam, copper leaders, storm windows, screens, etc.

heated garage, 1 4x20, copper leaders, gutters, electricity, water, with large stoiage attic; locality very desirable, about two short blocks from Newklrk av express station, Brighton eubwav; several tons of coal, kitchen linoleum and gas stove. For particulars address B. J. 14 Irvington pi, or call Mansfield 3644. 1 6-7 LATBIISH 1 -family, fi.rnnm hnm ateam.

electric; npar station price $7,500. 6 rooms, comer, tax exempt, detached house. Ideal localltv: rjrlce 1 1 onn ih rannirH $1,000, balance as rent. 6 rooms and porch, all improvements, Including garage, near pi 0.1 tun; pni-e z-Tsmiiv brick house, ail Improvements; bargain, $12,000. 2-family stucco, tax exempt, with double garage; price $15,000.

2-fiimily stucco, tax exempt, double garage; 1 floor now rented and paying all ex-penaes: 114.000. Very pretty 2-famlly corner house, now under construction, can bs bought for 120.000; when completed price will be builders neea cash. 1-fsm-lly bungalow, rooms, tax exempt; plot price $12,600. Charles McDonald. 1650 B.

15th st. opposite Kings Highway express station. Brighton line. Mldwood Op'n Sundavs. 5-3 FLATBUSH Kxtraordlnnry large, sunny.

3-room lower apartment in 2-famtly palu.tb.1. modern duplex dwelling; plot frontage 70 feet; Immediate possession parquet; private, enclosed, porch, ga, age, gd.Mn and heat; exclusive. convenient block near Proppcct Pork and Brighton express station: open for inspection, apply owtnr. 160 Kenmore pi, facing Albermarls Terruct. Pilous Flatbujfc 3v5L Houses For Sale City.

84 FLATBUSH Have your broker show you this six rooms, bath, heated porch, parquet floors uirougrmui. open nrepiace; garage runwav; price $10 500; mortgage make offer; little cash required; easy terms. 1624 East 23d at (Elmore place), between Avenues and P. BELLEROSE New modern home; 4 minutes walk electric service station; 30 minutes out; copper flashing, leaders and gutters; tiled bathroom and kitchen, extra toilet and launory in Daserr.ent, fireplace, double floors; price 111.500. $3,000 cash.

Edward Blalla, ft ner and builder. 41 Remsen lane. lei. 4 3 Floral Park 80. FLATBUSH Easy housekeeping 7 rooms ana oatn; electric light, parquet noors.

tiled bath and kitchen- near office; price $13,000. J. D. O'Connell 681 FlatbuMi av, sole agent, corner Fenimore st. Flatbush 4833.

1-7C FLATBUSH An Ideal home, located on wide avenue; new 1-family detached; 8 large rooms, with sun parlor; every modern Improvement: large nlot: varaare: conveni- "ocanon; siu.miu. upen Sunday. ,1. RmHai- hulllap na: v. Butter, builder, 2085 47th st.

Mldwood 402Q-R. n3-30 FLATBUSH builder is offering for a limited time new tax exempt 6-room house: enclosed porch all modern Improvements; near subway, school and stores; price cash easy terms. Bring deposit. L. Strube, 1916 Av M.

Mldwood 6838, or 16SS East 14th st, at Kings High-way. Mldwood 10198. 6-3C FLATBUSH Dorchester rd between Ocean av and Brighton cut; one of finest houses in this ultra-exclusive section, with garage. $17,600, originally cost $19,500. It is an exceptional bargain.

Call on Judge Gus-tam and George Ranken. 2817 Ave. at Flatbuah av. Open Sundays. 4-7 FLATBUSH Price new 6-room.

tsx exempt, corner; steam, electricity, parquet, tiled bath, Inclosed porch; garage space: Improved street; convenient location: cash eapy terms on balance, Rodgers Brothers, 1596 Flatbush av; interboro Flatbush av eta-tlon. Open Election Day. FLATBUSH E. 16th st, near Dorchester rd; frame detached, elghtv rooms and bath; parquet, electric, hot-water heat; plot 40x 100; good condition; price terms arranged. Geo.

W. Egbert, 1521 Cortelyou rd; at Brighton subway. Phone Flatbush 0014. 6-8 FLATBUSH 2-family stucco, garaae soace, 14 rooms, bath and showers, enclosed porcnea, latest improvements, steam, elec trie light; newly rebuilt; property 40x100 reasonable to quick buyer; private party nno location. 149 Webster av, Brooklyn.

81-7 FLATBUSH Challenge anv one to matoh these pretty one-family, tax exempt homes at $6,260. $6,950 and $8,000. Near subway ration an improvements; small cash required; $25 monthly payment on balance. Fellows, 1130 Flatbuah av. Manseflld 9468.

6-7C FLATBUSH $1,000 cash, price $8,600 buys a oeauiuui o-room aetacnea home on sewered street; 8 blocks to subway; construction exceptional; mortgages arranged to suit purchaser. W. De Voe, Flatbush av. FLATBUSH 2-famlly. stucco, garage space, 14 rooms, baths and showers, enclosed porches, latest improvements, steam, electric- light; newly rebuilt; property 40x100; reasonable to quick buver; private party; fine location.

149 Webster av, Brooklyn. I 3t- FLATBUSH Near Culver line; 2-famlly detached frame house; driveway; 2 porches; separate entrances; 16 rooms. 3 hatha and 2 steam plants; parquet, electric; rent price no brokers. Phone Mldwood 2968. 2-7 FLATBUSH Bargain; Argyle rd, near Beverly; one-family frame, nine rooms and bath: plot 60x100; price terms arranged.

Geo. W. Egbert, 1621 Cortelyou rd; at Brighton Phone Flatbush 0014. 6-8 FLATBUSH A rare bargain; new one-family house, six large rooms, bath; all modem im-. provements; enclosed porch; garage space; for quick action, small cash payment; open Sunday and Election Day.

Knox Realty, 1491 Flatbush av. Mansfield 0053. 6-3 mwf FLATBUSH Cottage, 10 rooms, new roof, steam, electric, parquet; plot 50x100; two blocks Beverly rd, Brighton line station price $15,600, which Is little above land value. Oliver E. Allard.

1321 Foster av. Phone Mansfield 1051-9952. 2-4C FLATBUSH E. 19TH ST, 1516, at Avenue excellent location; little cash required; owner offers tax exempt 6 room tapestry brick; all latest Improvements; well built; very attractive; price only immediate possession. Mldwood 2491.

fr-5 FLATBUSH Opportunity for Christian family to secure exceptionally well built 6 room house on Improved street; electric, parquet, steam every improvement drivewa tax exempt; Just one left; price cash $2,000. 8610 Ave near Flatbush av; no brokers. FLATBUSH Two-family brick, 11 rooms. 2 baths; electric, 2 heating plants; first floor vacant and newly decorated; near subway station; price reduced to $11,000 for quick action. Keys wlth-W.

A. Stevens, 2133 Bev-erlv rd. Flathush f-9S3, 1-70 FLATBUSH Two-family limestone, 4a tacnaci, on hv; hiik. t. ways; all improvements; upper floor $75 monthly; $13,000.

Write J. W. Meyer. 10 Barclay st, N. Y.

City. Act quick. No biokers. 6-8 FLATBUSH 7-room detached house, with garage; 40x105: Inclosed porch; steam, electric, parquet floors; laundry In cellar: near Brighton line; worth $13,600. Benj.

Lyons, 142 Livingston st. Main 0972. 6-3 mwfC FLATBUBH Only $7,800 for a fine 8-roorr. netachea cottage; driveway; sun parior, steam, electric, parquet; cash required $1,500, balance terms to suit. R.

F. Pratt, 1674 Flatbush av, cor. A v. 1. Mldwood 2230.

4-7( FLATBUSH Bargain; new. tax exempt; steam, parquet, electric: aarage: near sta tlon and schools; cash $1,000: buy now; act quick. C. Wiley Rlchman, Kinga rah way express station, Brighton line. 4-8C FLATBUSH $2,000 cash; 7 rooms, bath; garage; Inclosed porch; steam, electric, parquet; tax exempt 4 minutes subway $9,500.

J. Baur, 464 E. 24th st. Mansfield 0464. 1-7 FLATBUSHBrlck house with porch; flne section; $7,000, cash to avoid foreclosure.

Judge Gustam and George Ranken, 2817 Ave. at Flatbush av. Open evenings. I 4-3 FLATBUSH Bargain, 2-famlly cottage, 16 rooms. 2 baths, 2 hot water plants, on lot 30x110; convenient location price $11,000.

Hartlgan Shea, 1428 Flatbush av. Mansfield 0684. I 4-3 FLATBUSH 1-family tapestry brick; 7 rooms ana Dam electric, parquet porcn Al condition owner will sacrifice for $10,760. W. A.

Stevens, 2132 Beverly rd. Flatbush 6953. 6-3C FLATBUSH Bargain to quick buyer; 3- lamny oricic, 17 rooms ana natns ana electric; 2 blocks to I. R. T.

subway; $3,000 cash. J. Dl Domenlco, 1314 Rogers av. 5-7C FLATBUSH Attractive, well constructed 2- tax exempt; every modern Improvement; wide driveway lot 30x100; moderate price. 1115 E.

31st st. near Av K. R-8 FLATBUSH $6,760 for six-room detached cottage, tsx exempt; steam, electric; plot 25x100; cash required $1,000, balance $76 quarterly. R. F.

Pratt, 1674 Flatbush av. corner Av. I. Mldwood 2230. 4-70 FLATBUSH 2-family white limestone, 11 rooms, 2 baths; electric light, parquet floors; driveway; price near two subways.

Fred F. Smith, 764 Rogers av. Phone Flatbush 9772. 31-70 FLATBUSH One-family tapestry brick tax exempt house, 8 "room 2 baths, sun parlor; every Improvement; house In perfect condition: price $21,000. Westwood Realty fifi Flatbush av.

Closed Sundav. 1-7C FLATBUSH One family frame detached; 10 rooms; garage; 2 baths; all Improvements; good section; Brighton Beverly station; $13,503. Feller, 2223 Tilden av-. 0148 Flatbush. 6-3 mwf FLATBUSH Detached 6-room house; nesr Newkirk av subway; steam heat, electric Huht.

inclosed porch price 18.000. Benj. Lyons, 142 Livingston st. Main 0972. 6-4 mwfsC FLATBUSH Two-family, tax exempt, brick, ateam, electric, parquet, all improvements; bargain price terms.

Agar, 1000 Nostrand av. Open evenings. 6-7C FLATBUSH $2,600 will secure bes. value In a new 14 -room 2-famlly house; must be seen to be appreciated. Wood, phone Coney Island 0609.

3-7 FLATBUSH 3-famlly, brick, 17 rooms and three baths: good location price $11,600. James B. Fisher, 174 Montague st. Main 7267. 2-30 FLATBUSH l-famtly frame, 10 rooms, arranged for 2 families; heat, electricity, parquet floors; double garage; lot 40x125; reasonable.

Box U-72. Eagle office. 3-7 FLATBUSH Detached 2-famlly brick, 11 rooms, 2 baths; every Improvement; near 1. R. T.

subway: asking price $11,000. W. H. McPherson, 923 Rogers av. 81 -7C FLATBUSH Detached 2-fainily, brick, 1 1 rooms.

2 baths, every improvement near R. T. eubwav: asking price $11. 000. W.

H. McPherson, 923 Rogers av. 6-7C FLATBUSH-1269 E. 8th st; up-to-date detached frame, 8 rooms; excellent condition; plot 23.6x100; bargain. Phone Mldwood 37S5-R.

29-11 FLATBUSH New 1-famlly. 6 rooms and bath, enclosed porch, steam heat, electric, gas garage parquet floor. Geo. Scheff er, 668 E. 28th at.

near Foster av. 3-4 FLATBUSH Send for our weekly sales list houses, George E. Jantzer. 1382 Flatbush av. Office closed Sundays.

1-7C FLATBUSH 8-room house and lot. 40x100; 18.000; E. 4th st, near Av N. Phone Mid-wood rosS. 81-7 FLATBUSH Meal 2-famlly house, tax-exempt; driveway; psrquet, ateam, 2 porches; price $11,900.

1598 K. 46th st. 6-7 FLATBUSH tax exempt; 6 rooms and bath, staira to attic: every Improvement. Phone Mansfield 4072. 31 -7C FLATBUSH Central location enables to sell, rent property quickly.

Try Peller. 5223 Tilden av. 0148 Flatbush. 6-7 FLATBUSH Two-family. 10 rooms, baths; electric; liberal discount for cash; possession.

210 28th it. 6-7 Houses For Sale City. S. I 1 C.w.Tate bath, hot water, electricity, heat, par FOREST PARKWAY STATION Wood- haven: block from Jamaica av new 6- room one-family frame; steam, electric, parquet; connected with sewer; lot 26x100; driveway; price terms to suit. W.

H. Stryker. 1010 Gates av. 4-3 GRAND AV, 241 2-story and basem*nt brownstone, 3-family, 13 rooms, 3 baths. C.

Drlealer. 410 DeKalb av. 1-T HANco*ck ST. CornVr; owner will sacrifice) 8-family brick: heat, electricity; bargain quick buyer; very easv terms; no broV.or. Box 1-79, Eagle BeiifoM branch.

t-7Q HANco*ck ST. 244. near Marcy; elegant 1 story, no basem*nt; hardwood, electric, parquet, steam. Open Election Day. John J.

I.awior, 3x5 Tompkins av. HIGHLAND PARK 39 Crosby ave. near Miller. rooms, up-to-date house, including driveway and garage; lot 75x20; bargain HILL SECTION Private houses from 87.0W up, with payments as low as $800 trsKh down. Schaffner Realty Agency, 6 LaJay-ette av, at Flatbush av.

6-3 BU thO HILL SECTION No basem*nt, brirlt. foe small family: price $9,500. Schaffner Realtv Agency. 6 Lafayette av. 1-7C HULL ST 2-famlly, brick.

9 rooms; vacant; price cash $2,000. Hodgkiss, 118 Rockaway av. Glenmore 3207. 8-70 JEFFERSON AV, near Stuyvesant; 10-room old style frame, remodeled; electric light, hardwood floors; 25-foot lot; drlvewav and garage; price cash $2,000. H.

Stryker, 1010 Gates a v. 4.3 KINGS HIGHWAY California bungalows. 2-famlly cottages and 1-family brick houses; all Improvements; from $9,250 up. Porter, 475 4oth st. Open evenings.

2-70 KINGS HIGHWAY, near Church av; $jt0 down, balance to ba paid like rent detached modern house, 4 porches, garage reasonable. Phone Flatbush 857S. $-7 KINGrt HIGH WAV 1-family brick, 7 rooms, 2 porches, all modern improvements; rax exempt; price $8,600, easy terms. Beren-bei-g, 1681 E. 15th st, Mldwood 9344.

81-7J LAFAYETTE AV Brick 2-atory and basem*nt, 9 rooms; price $6,600, uash $1,000. E. A. Lawrence. 747 Marcy a v.

4-70 LINCOLN PL, near Kingston; 2-family. 2-etory, no baaement, 11 rooma. 2 baths, furnace heat; price right. James A. Far-rell.

826 Nostrand av. $-7 MADISON ST. 9 rooms, brick house, good condition, vacant; must be sold this week at your own terms. Davidson Muller. 412 Nostrand av.

1-7 MIDWOOD MANOR New artistic dwelling. 8 rooms, 2 baths; modern improvements; tax exempt. 1044 E. 10th st, or Lurlo, Harlem 839G. 4-3 MIDWOOD SECTION Operators; two 2-familles, semi-detached, on plot 61x110, $15,000 for both.

Agar, 1000 Nostrand av. Open evenings. 5-7C MONROE ST, near Tompkins; 3-story, base-ment, frame, 20x100, 12 rooma, bath; easy terms. Studwell Burkhard. 400 Nostrand.

at Gates. 6-7 MONROE ST, near Classon; 3 story and basem*nt, brownstone; every Improvement. Prospect 4136-W. NEW YORK AV. 287 Limestone, 8-storv, no basem*nt, 2-family; 6 and 8 rooms; steam, electric, parquet: first class condition; opportunity for quick buyer.

Solo agents. Lester J. Robinson A 785 Nostrand av. Phone Lafayette 8600. 6-7 NEW YORK AV, near St.

Mark's; elegant IX-room box stoop extension stone dwelling; electricity; parquet; steam heat; quick possession; closing estate; attractive price. Kev with Van Bergen, 625 Nostrand av. 5-7 OOFJAN AV Near Brighton subway; attractlvs lamiiy nousa on large plot; price and terms reasonable. Melville, 26 Court st. Triang'a W9.

6-2 mth 0 PACIFIC ST 3-story, basem*nt, limestone x-iamuy nouse; an latest improvements; Al condition; best location; best of section. Seen by appointment only. No agenfs. Write 1312 Pacific st, or phone Stagg 3623, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

4-T PARK SLOPE Bargain, at, Plaza subway; -oiory, jj rooma ana a d. was now worth cash no basem*nt; 2 baths, $15,000 to near office. 2-family, steam, all parquet, 6th av, best block; 8-sty 1 or 2-famlly; electric; $2,600 cash; largest assortment here; call, be convinced; auto serves you. Charles Rlckerson, 276 Flatbush av. 5-3 PARK SLOPE Near 6th av and all subways: 3 story basem*nt 20 ft.

houBe; 10 rooma, a baths; fltted up for three families; beautiful electric fixtures; Just decorated; big sacrifice on account of sickness; price only easy terms. John Pullman R. E. 741 Union st. 6-8 PARK SLOPE bet.

6tli-7th avs, 3-storv brownstone and basem*nt; electric, furnace heat; Al condition; parlor floor and basem*nt vacant; rent $160 per month; $14,000 for quick sale. Call Flatbush 3114, 7 p.m. 4-7 PARK SLOPE 6tn av, near St. John's pi, 3 -story and house, 10 roomn, 2 baths, electricity, fitted up for two families; Immediate possession, will sacrifice; price cash $2,600. John Pullman, H.

E. 741 Union st. fi-3 PARK SLOPE Brick 2-story and basem*nt; good location; electric, furnace heat; Immediate possession: price cash $1,500. Arthur T. Davis 341 9th st.

South 8798. 2-7C PARK SLOPE Two-story and basem*nt, brick, 16th st. between 8th and 9th avs; 9 rooms and bath; can easily be arranged for 2 families; price cash $3,000. Bowie Keegan. 487 5th av.

5-7C PRESIDENT ST, 1562 1-famlly brick. 8 rooms, bath, electric, parquet; flne condition; price $11,600. Phone Decatur 9029. 6-3 PROSPECT PL, 1035 Ready to move In; beautifully located, opposite park; 12 room house; electric, parquet; Al condition. 6-7 PUTNAM AV, near Nostrand; 2-story, basem*nt, frame, 6 rooms, bath; Al order; electricity; terms.

Studwell Burkhard, 400 Nostrand, at Gates. 6-7 RICHMOND HILL SOUTH 10453 112th st, near Liberty; frame detached, unfurnished, 6 rooms and bath; worth Investigation. Apply Combes. Watklns 3821. i 4-7 ST.

MARK'S AV 10 rooms; 3 story box stoop; stone; electricity: fine order; $18,500. Van Bergen, 626 Nostrand av. 5-7 SHEEPSHEAD BAY Bungalow, 4 rooms; two blocks from station: plastered walls; possession Immediate; price $600 cash; easy terms. Coney Island 2277. 6-T SHEEPSHEAD BAY New 2-famlly house, beautifully decorated, modern rent of 1 floor pays carrying charges; price, $10,500, cash $1,000.

2861 Batchelder at. 1-7 OXFORD ST Large frame, brick filled, house can be bought with $1,000 cash down; vacant. Schaffner Realty Agency, 6 Lafayette av, at Flatbush av. 6-8t-sumthO SOUTH 2D ST, 98 At entrance to Bridge; three-family brick; rents for $126 per month; vacant; $9,500. William Collins, 68 Berrv st.

8-140 STERLING PL, 279 Here in an opportunity for tha homeseeker and investor; 8-story and basem*nt, whitestorfe front, 11 rooms, bath and electricity, parquet; excellent and convenient location; coal In cellar; reasonable price; must be sold to settle estate. Phone, write or call for appointment. E. H. Igoe.

67 Court su Trl-anglo 4268. l-7 STERLING ST Subway at corner; 7 rooms and bath; moaern i-iumny; guou conniuon; price terms. Lester J. Robinson 785 Nosraud av. Phone Lafayette S600.

6-7 STERLI.XG PL Beautiful three story, bay front, parlor extension, electric, parquet. Plerson ft 323 Flatbush av. STRATFORD RD -Detached house, on plot 60x180; garage; Improvements; bargain at James B. Fisher. 174 Montague it.

Main 2-4 oe STUYVESANT SUCTION Two-family brownstone house, 1 2 rooms and 2 bath; electricity, hot water, parquet floors, every modern Improvement rnsh $2, BOO, balance long time mortgage; will sell at a sacrifice. Apply S. Brill. 375 Fulton st Room 60. Triangle 7434.

31-70 TAAFE PL, rear DeKalb av; 2 story basem*nt brlrk, 8 and bath furnace; $5,600 want offer. Henry Schenk, 275 Grand av. 8-10C WAVERLY S-story and basem*n brick, complete 2-family, 1 5 rooms, 2 baths; open plumbing: Incomo about $1,200 a year: terms arranged. Bulkley Horton. 414 Mvrtle av.

6-3 mwfC WILLIAMS a Sacrifice 2-famliy frame, latest Improvements; cash $2,000. Grlnaldl. Decatur 8129. i J-7 BARGAIN $6,500 buys 1-family cottage. rooms, bath, storeroom, electric, 2 porches, enclosed; Immediate possession; terms arranged.

643 88th st. 4-3 BUILDER'S SACRIFICE Two one-family brick. 8 rooms, tiled bath and kitchen brick garage; plot 3'ixioo. L. A.

Michaels 94 th ft and Marine a v. Phone Shore Road 93. 5-7 FINE detached frame residence, on large plot, with double garage; near Brighton Beach express station exclusive neighbor hood; all improvements. Inspection by appointment. Owner, Whitehall Bid Knar York.

Room 1915. Phone Whitehall Oinv. 81-7 INVESTOR'S f'HANi'E For sale, two famll double garHg, tHX -exempt; price rent Is $2 700; low upkeep near eubwav s. Eastern parkway: present owner and tenant will occupy if desired to assure income. Call Prospect 7m.

j-j FLATBUSH 6 rooma. bath; garage; nw up-to-date house; lease 1, 2 or I rears; 1126 per month; must be teen to bs appreciated Whlttng Development Corp, I860 E. 21th st Phone Mid wood 6044. 4-1 FLATBUSH Iower part of 2-famlly, detached newly decorated Janitor service; pir ubwv; reasonable. H.

K. 6m! th. J152 Nostrand av. Mansfield 8995. 2-70 FLATBUSH Brighton, Cortelyou station beautiful section; entire top floor, rooros, private bath; electricity, gas range; every convenience; vacant; fine detached home; or same, second floor; Christian adults.

486 Argvl rd. Mansfield 9368. 6-2 FLATBl'RH Upper part two-family. 6 rooma and bath, unfurnished; southern ex-posure; rent $50; steam, eiectrlc; Interboro subway or Reld av car. 65 E.

62d st, near Rutland rd. FLATBUSH Detached bungalow, 8 rooms, bath, electric, parquet, steam heat; possession; rant 1125; asphalt street; convenient neighborhood. Edward Bull Realty 2110 Cortelyou rd. 1-4 FLATBUSH New seven-room houaa, unfurnished; garage; near Av. station Culver line; jilt per month.

For appointment call Orchard 8976. H. N. Greenberg, 817 Av. M.

4-7 FLATPUSH 3 rooms and bath, light housekeeping; heat, electric, gas, hot water; Christiana; ISO. 666 E. 21st st. Mansfield 2225-W. 2-7 FLATBUSH SECTION Parlor floor, basem*nt; 7 rooms, bath, heat, electricity; 1116; Immediate possession.

104 Linden av. Flatbush 8372-R. $-7 FLATBL'RH rooms, bath, newly decorated; unfurnished; steam and electric, with heat 17-5. Dempsey, 1618 Hendrlckson bl FLATBUSH 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; improvements; large, grounds, detached house. 774 E.

8th st, uear Foster FLATBUSH Five rooms and bath, ground floor. 2-familv house; electricity; 166. Kan-ner. 637 E. 6th st.

Windsor 8367. 8-7 FLA TBl'SH Cosy detached, six rooms, up- floor; porch subway opposite parn; 116 between Ave I and J. 8 8-7 FLATBUSH Upper floor, 2-famlly house, 7 rooms and bath: fine location; cnristian adults; Phone Windsor 7616. 6-7 FULTON ST. 1389 Near Marcy av; 6 and 8 rooms to let: hot and cold water, elec trie light.

Inquire In store. 4-3 HAMPTON PL. 83A High claes 7 -room foyer lower duplex, steam, hot water sup-Dlled: immediate noasesslon. Lafayette 8219 81-7 KINGS HIGHWAY ana E. 4th st; new house, 6 rooms, sun parlor, tiled bath and Kitchen, gnrage; restricted section; price $100 month.

Jelenk, Mldwood 0014. 81-7 KINGS HIGHWAY Near Church av; house in let. unfurnished, detached, modern rooms, 4 porches, garage. Tel. Flatbush 8578.

6-7 LAFAYETTE A 4-story brick, 9 and bath, unfurnished: electricity, parquet floors, Mayor, 341 Lafayette av. 5-7 McDONOUGH ST. 1203 rooms and bath; hot water, heat, electricity; Christian adults; reference; owner. 5-7 1 ADISON ST. 896 Upper part of 2-famlly hoLo, 4 unfurnished rooms and bath-; all lmmovements: hot water heat: aood loca tion.

5-7 MID WOOD ST, 279 Lower part 2-famlly house. 6 rooms and bath, electricity, sep arate steam heat plants; near subway; Christ an adults on IV. ITiatDUBn B-T PARK SLOPE Parlor floor and basem*nt, unfurnished; 7 rooms and bath; near park; hot water heat, electric ADPly 674 10th St. Phone South 3482. 4-7 PROSPECT PL, 1065 Attractlvs lower part of 2-famllv house: near Kingston av; 7 rooms, bath and store room, parquet, electricity, hot water supply, heat; immediate possession; Christian lamuy.

rnone fiat-bush 3894-W. 6-7 RICHMOND HILL 10470 109th st; 6 and bath mi-detached driveway; modern throughout; refined locality; $75 month; at Greenwood av. station Fulton u. owner. 4-7 SEA BEACH subway, 22d av station; top floor new 2-famlly.

5 rooma. oath, porch garage; $75. Bensonhurst 10419. 8-7 SEA GATE Maple av; 14 rooma; 2 baths; all Improvements; Manhattan Beach 8 rooms; 2 baths; garage. Phone Coney Island 2277.

81-7 WASHINGTON PARK Excellent house. 13 rooms; parquet, hot water heat, electricity; 2 sets Improvements: fine for doctor. Man tilla, 1R Montague st. Main 0704. 4-7 WOODHAVEN 6 rooms, all improvements, glass enclosed porch; 2-famtly house.

In-oiiire Teltelbaum, 10418 108th st. 4-7 UPPER PART, 5 rooms and bath; steam heat, electricity, parquet; Pacific st, near Kingston av; Christian adults. Phone Lafayette 4089-R. 5-2 OflUn and Desk Room. DESK ROOM Office service and telephone at hub of subway By fit ems.

23 Flatbush av. Room 406. Nevins 893. 18-30 SUBLEASE part of large office; will divide to suit tenants; low rental; one flight upstairs. Chas.

C. Chartler, 198 Montague st. Tel. Main 3669. 6-7 li.

I. and Querns For Rent 78a 126TH ST, 439 Richmond Hill; 5 rooms, 1-famlly house, furnished; 6 months occupancy, Nov. 15th, Richmond Hill 6i7. I 6-7 BABYLON, L. To rent, house, furnished; 7 rooms and bath; electric, hot-water heat; garage.

Greenpolnt 1417. 2-7 BAY RIDGE 25 minutes Wall st, 25 minutes Times Square, faro 6 cents; Grand View Apartments; vicinity golf links, opposite beautiful park; magnificent view Narrows and passing steamers: 8, 4, 5 rooms, unobstructed light every conceivable improvement: rent $720 per annum and up. 4th av, 101st st. Shore rd. Apply to Superintendent.

Bulkley Horton 7520 3d av, or own broker. 6-3C ELMHURST, L. I. Queens Boulevard, corner Broadway; 3 stores, suitable any business, 6-2 FOREST HILLS GARDENS For rent, new brick house, corner; Just finished; 7 rooms, 4 baths, sun parlor, garage; only few blocks from station. Phone owner, 6489 Boulevard, or call f.6 Bow st.

1-7 FREEPORT Young Christian couple desire snot her to share nice home in select part of P'report. 423 Southslde a v. 4-7 HEMPSTEAD, L. 1. Six rooms and bath; garage; all modern Improvements; two blocks from railroad station.

Owner, 94 Franklin ft. Phone Hempstead 1942. HOLL1S 1-famliy, 7 rooms and bath, inclosed porch, garage every modern improvement; 3 minutes from Hollls station; 1125. Gordon, 179-13 Jamaica av, near lftth st. Jamaica 32P6-M.

31-7C HuLLlS, L. I. 5 rooms, bath; steam heat; In best section of HoIUs; rent reasonable. Cummins. I002S 20i.t at.

2-T RICHMOND HILL 1019 109th st; six rooma, bath; porch; modern Improvements: separate furnace; Richmond Hill 7738-K. 4-7 FAMILY ifolng South for winter would like to rent beautiful furnished home. Wood-mere. L. I.

Immedia' poesesslon. Phone Ashland 2200. J. 3-7 FOR SALE UK RENT New 6-room modern bungalow; all conveniences; good neighborhood; convenient location; reasonable. Tel.

Cleaver. Freeport 1653-M. 26 Independence bv. Freeport. L.

I. 4-3 Xew Jersey For Rent 79 CALDWELL, N. J. P-room house for sale, besutlful and healthful location steam heat, electric light, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fireplace; lot 70 by 220; garage, fruit; chickens; ten minute walk to statin and trolley; 110.000; 12.000 cash; balan-e easy terms; your broker, or owner. 121 Mountain a v.

Telephone Caldwell 494-W or Cortlandt Rno Extension 108. 6-3 HAWTHORNE $35 month. 6-room cottage, rewlv decors ted, city water, gas. garage; 45 minutes New York. Flatbush 2379-w.

4-3 WEST NEW YORK, N- J. 409 14th five large rooms, bath; $42. st Wanted To Rent. 81 APARTMENT, unfurnished; small family, business adults, desires 5 or 6 heated rooms, two-family house; nesr subway. Box O-204.

Eagle Flatbush bram-h. 5-7 APARTMENT kitchenette: with baby 3 offVe furnished, 2 rooms, bath, Hefghts section; by couple years old. Box R-54, Eagle 31-7 APARTMENT 3 or 4 rooms, by refined christian couple; preferably Stuyvesant Heights section 140 to $45 month. Box K-27i. office.

4-7 APARTMENT furnished, improvements, for 3 adults and board and care for hoy 4 years; $45 to $60; Christians. Box Z-2M. office. fi-2 A r'A RTM KNT 3 rooms, modern apartment house unfurnif hed all iinDrovements: 80. agle ofh APARTMENT AmiM-st Mrs.

Psttsn. 1- I A HTM KNT. 3 rooms, unfurnished, all imn ovemen's: private house; 2 auults; $55. If 97V Mh st. 4-7 PA HTM KNT wanted, furnished, rooms: located; must chur'-h.

Decatur 14j7. A A or floor by young Christian r-iip. with 1 child; not over $35. Box M-I'Vf. rfriP office.

5.3 APAKT.MKN1 wanted; upper part houe, fth heat furnished; all conveniences, Flatbush 4719. I -J quet noois. suitable ror any mgn ciass ous-Iness or offices; jet business section In city. Phone morning. Sterling 3X6.

6-7 JiOSTRAND AV. 731 Corner apartment, with office, suitable for dentist or other profession; opposite Teachers Training- School rent $A5. M. C. O'BHen, 798 Nostrand avenue, 6-7 tNOSTRAND AV, 716.

at Prospect; large store, double windows. $190 stoop store, ft io shop. 20x35, $C5 steam; prosperous locsllty. 1-7 PROSPECT PL 7 exceptionally large coroner rooms; hull entrance to each room; all latest improvements; high class neighborhood; suitable for furnished rooms: reasonable rent. M.

C. O'Brien, 798 Nostrand av. r-V 8-7 S3 GENT PL Adjoining FlatbuBh av; stores suitable for any retail line all improvements; rent 1 25 per month. See Harold K. Wittemann, Builder, 188 Montague at.

Brooklyn. Phone 2900 Main. 81-7 B.EMSEN ST, 166 Two suitable for business or dentist; apply premises; no brokers. Main 2977.

4-7 t'TICA A 675 Corner Church 6-room apartment; suitable for dntist will alter to suit. Inquire Real Estate Office, on premises, phone Flatbush 8M4-R. 6-3 "'SoODHAVBN-Large store. 1,800 sq. electricity, with heat.

94:5 Jamaica av. Richmond Hill 1 853. 31-7 CORNER STORK, JioKera av and Montgom-1 try st, fast growing section a Iso other stores In good location for rent or sale. Apply J. B.

Allen, 898 Nostiand av, corner Carroll st. 6-3-su ELEGANT OFFK'ES to let, lawyers opportunities; light, heat, janitor and elevator sr vices, only modern, well kept building uptow n. Apply Mr. Law lor, Shubert Theatre Broadrfay and Monroe st. Phone Buhw i 4.7 FOR LIGHT manufacturing, two lofts, ap-.

proximately 1.000 square feet; well heated jvnd ventilated: in desirable section. Applv '1175 Bedford av. FOR RENT to reliable electrician, part of sewing machine store. Henry Wesselw. T'i3u, w.

19th st. 4-7 GOuD lofatiun tor nemlat or hairdresser; function corner near Broadway. Apply 12 Saratoga av. 709ft Midworvi. .7 "PA KT of or printer.

$3 ry n-pair utt p. suitable ralio Is'and av. 3-7 TO KENT stm-. 3 room and bath; bent business section: (suitable ladies' tailor, gents' kb. etc; rent $S5.

Owner on premises. Castk-ton av. West New S. I. Telephonu Port Richmond -67.

3-6 Houses 'arts of Houses Rent. 7" 4TH ST. 1630 Eleven rooms, 40x1 00. modern reasonable. Mjsh 57.

unfurnished, Phone Flat-5-7 ST, 446 a rooms and lath. ITS monthly, with heat: adults only; unfurnhed. 4-7 TTH ST. 273 Parlor floor and bapment; 7 rooms, steam heat, parquet, electricity; Al condition; nenr eubwav. a -7 I '-'-AVENUE L.

3217 Upper floor. C-fmnily 11,0 use, rooms; an improvements; Ko. 5-7 -A V. 1 324 4 rouma, hath all improv ments: restricted: family; reference 'z pm JY RIDGE 9,3 4th av, ti rooms and bath; decorated; r-a'v to move in. In-f-qulre A.

Ga'Io. Berkeley p). 5-3 RIlKiE 45 Sl'fl st; 7 rooms, a I lin-provements; upper part of 2-fanitly house; rsaeonahl. 4.7 BEDFORD SE I i-p-r part 2-famlly hbuse, rooms, ba'h. heat, eieotri.

par-X- 'lU1- unfurnished; 3 mmiues Franklin av rrfubway station. Box S-204. Eagle Bed- ford branch. 5-3 CLINTON AV Bit block; detached mansion, 20 rooms and 4 baths, suitubl for "profeswlona 1 man or private family; interior; every modern convenience; ri rent 1336. Keys, Havlland A Sons.

Si2 Ful-ton st. 5-7 CONEY INLAND Cottages to let, 4 rooms and bath, gus, electric, hot water, combination gas and cal range; completely furnished: rental mont hly. Bring this advertisem*nt to Newman. 3318 Mermaid av. Coney Island.

Coaey Island 4S59. vl i Li X'KAN ST, i o-fainiiy hmjfe unfur- Sr. adi flor 1 x. A ST PAKKWAV. 85? Upper psrt of.

'to-family h-iust-. i end bath; lia J'Ot psrqu" floors; hMf Mock from siibwf.j; twu or three Chris sdnl's. F. ST. i ma firM fo r.

ml hn b. trrf i.t-; Improvements; ritahed parap i A 4ST 3l'D ST 31 4 Fiat bush upp'T p.r of f-farmly i rooms and bath; juiriuet. flecirif-; separate furnace; small iakrUuaa adut family; rent 4-3.

Brooklyn Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.